Page 27 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 27


         Keep it appropriate, there  will           Gather    information.   Talk   with
         be children and elderly present.           family  members,  close  friends
         Laughter is truly the best medicine,       and  co-workers  to  get  important
         and some  well placed humour               information on the deceased. Some
         will help people cope, and  will           important information to include
         bring back fond memories of the            in the eulogy is the person’s family
         deceased. Don’t be afraid to show          and    other   close   relationships,
         emotion. Funerals are an extremely         their  education/career, hobbies  or
         emotional  event,  nobody  expects         special interests, places the person
         you not to shed a few tears.               lived or travelled to, and any special
         However, if  you feel that  you  will      accomplishments they had.
         be  too  strongly overcome  by  your
         emotions,  have  a  back-up  plan  in      When delivering the eulogy have a
         place  where someone  you trust            glass of water and tissues close by
         can deliver the eulogy for you. Give       incase you need them.
         them a copy well in advance if you
         feel this could be an issue.

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