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How do I write a eulogy? written leave a few spaces between
Giving a meaningful, moving eulogy the lines. Keep in mind your time
can be a nerve-wracking situation for constraints, it’s best to keep things
even the most accomplished public on the short side, especially if there
speaker, but it need not be. How can are other speakers.
you summarise somebody’s life in a
few short minutes, while being both Review and Revise. Your first draft
sombre and funny at the same time? will not be the last. When you think
Writing and delivering a eulogy is a you are done, sleep on it and look it
therapeutic tool to help deal with over in the morning when it is fresh
your grief, and being chosen to give again, that will be the time to make
a eulogy is an honour and should be any necessary revisions.
treated that way.
Practice, Practice, Practice. Read
Here are some tips for writing over your eulogy several times in
and delivering an eloquent and order to become familiar with it.
memorable eulogy: Practice in front of a mirror, read
Writing it all down allows you to it over to some friends or family
include and remember every detail and have them give you feedback.
you wanted in your eulogy. Organise Become familiar with your speech
your thoughts. Jot down your ideas so you can recite it without making
by whatever means are most it look like you’re reading from a
comfortable and familiar to you. script. The more you practice the
Create an outline of your speech, more comfortable you will be.
and fill in the information that you
gathered about the person. Write it Make them laugh, but be respectful.
down. Choose an easy to read font Fondly remember a story about the
if typing on computer, or if it is hand person that everyone can relate too.
Page 26 | Dignity Funeral Care