Page 20 - v3-DignityFuneralHome-Guide-29-11-19
P. 20


          Cremation  offers  an  alternative  to    fragments, that are then reduced
          the burial process and it is chosen by    to resemble coarse sand.  The
          many people because of religious          cremated remains of an average
          beliefs, the desire to preserve the       adult  body  will  weigh  about  6-9
          environment or it  was requested          pounds.
          by the person who died. Cremation
          can be a less expensive option in         Cremated remains can be scattered
          comparison to a burial. The remains       or buried, or they may be kept with
          are  placed  in  a  coffin  and  enter  a   the family in a decorative urn. There
          special furnace called a cremation        are many new and different ways to
          chamber,  where  through  intense         dispose of ashes today - cremated
          heat, they are reduced to bone            remains can be placed in an artificial

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