Page 5 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
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Serving Mississauga and the Greater ken care of with the utmost dignity and
Toronto Area for over 19 years, respect. Just as we would treat our
Tranquility Burial & Cremation Service own family members. When you call
provides a low cost, all inclusive Tranquility we will give you the choice
alternative to traditional funeral to either meet with us in our warm and
homes. Whether your choice is direct relaxing office or in the comfort of your
cremation, burial or a personalized home, which ever is easiest for you, at
memorial service to celebrate a life. no extra charge.
Our company is privately owned by the We realize that not everyone is
Silverthorne family, and is not in any physically or emotionally able to travel
way affiliated with or secretly owned to meet with us immediately after a
by any Funeral Home or Funeral family member has died, this is just
Home conglomerate. one way we try to make things easier
on you. To discuss the cremation
Our staff are understanding, honest process or any other service, contact
and professional. Our services are ta- us today.
Tranquility Burial & Cremation Services - Page 5