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have I been aware of for almost 20
years, it is something I have been
fighting against for years through
consumer awareness and advocacy.
The good news is that there are still
honest trustworthy Funeral homes,
cemeteries and cremation services
out there, in fact they are in the
majority. The challenge for consumers
is figuring out who are the ones you
can trust?
Here is the best advice I can give
you. Search for providers in advance,
Thank you for taking the time to read this will prevent you from making a
this message. I have posted this in decision under pressure, shop around
response to the Toronto Star / CBC online. Most if not all Funeral Homes,
Marketplace report on Friday. This and Cemeteries have a website, the
report showed hidden camera video problem is that not all have price lists
of some very questionable business or pricing of any kind displayed online.
practices at a number of Ontario To me that is a big red flag. If a service
Funeral Homes and Cemeteries. provider does not want to show you
These practices are not just limited to their price list on their website, the
one large company, and this practice question to me is why not? I would
is not something new it has been in keep looking for a provider that has no
place for decades. These practices problem with giving you honest, clear
include extreme mark ups on products, and instant access to their pricing.
in some cases upwards of 348%, Once you have an idea of what the
as well as sales tactics that are high services you want and the cost, you
pressure and misleading. Unclear can then make an informed choice of
pricing in many cases is why families which provider you wish to contact.
get caught in this trap. All of this may Before you make contact, have a list
be a shocking revelation to some, but of questions ready. Take a friend or
to me it is something that not only
Page 6 - Tranquility Burial & Cremation Services