Page 7 - TranquilityFuneralGuide-01(Mississauga)-TA-WorkingFile
P. 7

family member who is not as               family will be taken care of  the  way
          emotionally involved as you may be.       that every person deserves at a time
          Do  not  disclose  financial  information   of loss. If you have had an experience
          about  the size of the estate or life     with a provider that you feel was
          insurance  benefit  amounts  until  you   something similar to the experiences
          have established a price on the services   in the report, please contact the BAO,
          you want. Realize  the boundaries  of     at  1-844-493-6356,  they  are looking
          the relationship between you and the      out for your best interest. For further
          establishments  representative.  This     helpful advice and assistance please
          person may  be empathetic, but  they      visit The governing
          may also be on a commission and           organization  that regulates Funeral
          that may be an incentive to have you      Homes, Cemeteries  and Cremation
          spend  more. Most importantly ask if      Services in Ontario.
          there will be any additional fees, above
          and beyond what you have agreed           Since  the Market Place  Report,  our
          on. This is especially important if you   funeral  home  has  been  flooded  with
          are pre arranging , the last thing you    calls from  consumers wanting to
          want is for your family to be burdened    know if we are owned by one of the
          with an unexpected bill for thousands     companies  featured in the report. I
          of dollars after you have passed. If at   am proud to say that we are not, we
          any time a funeral arranger tells you     are independently and locally owned.
          that embalming or viewing / identifying   I have been advocating  consumer
          the deceased is required  by law, be      protection my entire career, and I am
          aware  this is absolutely  not the law.   also very proud to display our price
          This  may  be  a  funeral home  policy,   list in a clear and easy to understand
          which  is  completely  different  then    manner on our website. I  must also
          being required by law.                    note that  our  pricing and mark up is
                                                    among the lowest in Ontario, which I
          If  you have already made pre             am also very proud of.
          arrangements  with  a provider  that
          you feel may have used some
          questionable  practices, you do have
          the right to under the law to cancel or
          transfer your pre arrangement. There
          are many upstanding  providers  in
          Ontario, with a little bit of research you
          will find peace of mind to know your

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