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Burial Services

           Traditionally, a funeral service involves   above the ground.  There are countless
           a  visitation,  followed  by  a  funeral   types of designs for headstones,
           service  in  a  church,  or  at  the  funeral   ranging from very simple to large
           home.  The casket is typically present    and complex. In NL, cemeteries are
           at both these events. Decisions need      privately owned by the church.
           to be made on whether the body
           needs to be embalmed, what kind of        Columbarium:
           casket to use, what cemetery to use       A columbarium is a structure that holds
           and whether or not to purchase a          cremated remains. Columbariums can
           monument for the grave.                   hold a single or multiple sets of remains
                                                     in  individual  compartments  called
           Monumental Cemetery (Traditional):        niches. They sit on top of the ground
           A monumental cemetery is the              similar to a traditional monument.
           traditional style of cemetery where
           headstones or other monuments made
           of marble or granite rise vertically

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