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Cremation Services
We are pleased to offer our families We can advise you with regard to
cremation services through our own your specific needs or requests, and
on site crematorium. We opened our can also offer a variety of urns for the
cremation facility in 2016 and have containment of the cremated remains.
been proudly serving our area ever
since. The most profound benefit Cremated remains can be either
of having our own crematorium is interred in a cemetery plot, scattered
the peace of mind that comes from in an appropriate setting or kept for
knowing that your loved one never a later time to permit the cremated
leaves our care. remains of the spouse to be interred or
scattered at the same time.
Because cremation is merely an
alternative to earth burial, this does
not mean that the other parts of the
funeral service may not be traditional.
For instance, you can still have a public
or private visitation period, with the
urn present.
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