Page 9 - HoskinsFuneralHome-TA
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Where to Start
When you begin the process of planning Our staff are experienced in planning
a funeral, the decisions you will face and understanding and graciously
might seem overwhelming. Our staff accommodating the needs of all beliefs,
are trained to help you understand faiths, lifestyles and relationships.
your choices and offer the support you
need to make a decision. This helps Healing Power of Ceremony
you to create your loved ones funeral, Coping with loss is never easy and
making the remembrance one of love funerals are an essential part of the
and life celebration. recovery process. A funeral provides
those who are grieving with a
The process can be broken down into supportive environment in which they
two stages: decisions regarding the can begin to find closure, say goodbye
service and how you’d like to honour and come to terms with their loss. No
your loved ones life, and decisions matter the setting, style or direction
regarding how you’d like to care for you choose, we will assist you to create
your loved ones physical remains. a funeral that reflects your loved ones
Planning a ceremony, whether unique life journey.
formal or informal, traditional or non-
traditional, religious or civil, provides
an opportunity for family and friends
to gather and support one another in
taking the first steps of their healing
journey. A formal service is conducted
in a church, while an informal service
can take place in any setting - at your
home, outdoors, or at our funeral home
- and can incorporate music, poetry
or art in the celebration of a life well-
lived. There are endless possibilities
for what the service can be, and we’re
honoured to go above and beyond to
meet your personalized and specific
Hoskins Funeral Homes and Crematorium Page 9