Page 12 - HoskinsFuneralHome-TA
P. 12

When Death Occurs

           No matter if a death is sudden, or if     notify family members what the proper
           it  is  something  that  was  a  long  time   procedures are to follow.
           coming, the loss of a loved one makes
           us feel emotional and overwhelmed.        When a death occurs at a hospital/
           No amount of preparation can fully        nursing home/hospice facility
           prepare you for the loss of a loved       The staff of a care facility such as a
           one.  When you are in a heightened        hospital or a nursing home will notify
           emotional state, even the most basic      you and the necessary authorities
           decisions can seem staggering.  The       immediately  after a  death has
           following is a rough guideline of what    occurred.  If a funeral home has been
           needs to be done within the first 24      provided to the hospital or nursing
           hours after death.                        home, they will be notified at the time
                                                     of death.  If you are present at the
           When  death occurs at  home  or a         hospital when the funeral director
           place of business                         arrives, they will ask a few questions
           If the person was not under hospice       about the deceased wishes and set up
           care, the police will have to be notified   a time to come into the funeral home
           immediately.    The  police  will  be     to make arrangements, however, if you
           dispatched to the home and place the      are not present a funeral director will
           call to the medical examiner, and if the   contact you by telephone to discuss
           family so chooses, can place the call     these arrangements.
           to a funeral home as well.  From there
           the medical examiner  will determine      Informing the Funeral Home
           whether further action is necessary.      Once everything has been cleared
           The medical examiner must release         with the proper authorities, the next
           the body before a funeral home can        call you place should be to the funeral
           do anything. If  no further action was    home.  Funeral directors are here to
           deemed necessary by the medical           help in obtaining a death certificate,
           examiner, the funeral home staff will     transporting the body, and in the event
           transfer the body to the funeral home.    pre-planning was not done, selecting a
           If the person was under hospice care,     casket/urn and arranging the funeral/
           contact the hospice representative if     memorial service.  The funeral director
           they were not present and they will

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