Page 10 - HoskinsFuneralHome-TA
P. 10

Caring for Physical Remains               Traditional Earth Burial or Cremation
           Once you’ve chosen how you’d like         Perhaps the most important decision
           to celebrate your loved ones life         regarding caring for the physical
           journey, the next decision you’ll face    remains of a loved one, is whether to
           is about how you’d like to care for       cremate or to traditionally bury.  In a
           their physical remains. This can be a     traditional burial, a casket is selected
           difficult and emotional choice for you    and a cemetery in chosen where a plot
           and your family. You may have had         will be assigned. For cremation, burial
           the conversation with your loved one      can still take place if so desired, or
           before their death and know what          remains can be interred in an above-
           their exact wishes were, but if not, we   ground Columbarium, as well as
           will provide you with the information     scattered.
           you need as we help you to consider
           your options, and ultimately make the
           decision that is right for your loved one
           and your family.

           Page 10                             Hoskins Funeral Homes and Crematorium
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