Page 29 - v1-DonohueGuide-WorkingFile-TA
P. 29

Make them laugh, but be respectful. A     Don’t be afraid to show emotion.
          funeral is not a roast, however there is   Funerals are an extremely emotional
          room for humor in your eulogy. Fondly     event, nobody expects you not to shed
          remember a story  about the person        a few tears. However, if you feel that
          that everyone can relate too. Keep it     you will be too strongly overcome by
          appropriate, there will be children and   your emotions, have a back-up plan
          the elderly  there that may not share     in place where someone you trust can
          the same sense of humor. Laughter is      deliver the eulogy for you. Give them
          truly the best medicine, and some well    a copy well in advance if you feel this
          placed humor will help people cope,       could be an issue.
          and will bring back fond memories of
          the deceased.                             Have a glass of water as well as
                                                    tissues handy.

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