Page 34 - v1-DonohueGuide-WorkingFile-TA
P. 34


          Although you  do not need a notary        valid  and  legal,  and  distributes  the
          or lawyer  to complete a will, it is      property according to the instructions
          recommended to do one with a notary       of the will.  Probate can be a long,
          or a lawyer, as it will avoid any legal   drawn-out  legal  process, and  there
          headaches after your passing.  Once       are some probate-avoidance plans in
          your will is complete, it’s recommended   place.  Simply speak to your attorney
          that it is kept somewhere safe and        to find out what you can do to avoid
          secure outside of your home.  If you      probate in your area.
          do your will  through  a lawyer, most
          law  firms  will  store  it  for  you  free  of   Executors
          charge.  Many people keep their wills     An    executor   is   the   personal
          in a safety deposit box at a bank,        representative  of your estate.   They

          but this is not recommended  as the       are the person in charge of taking
          contents could be sealed at the time      control  of  your  assets,  paying  off
          of  death.  The executor of  your will    any debts, and  distributing  assets
          should be aware of the location of it.    to  your  beneficiaries  per  the  terms
                                                    and conditions of your will.  You can
          Probate                                   choose anyone to be the executor of
          Probate is the legal  process  that       your will, but it is a good idea to choose
          transfers the legal title of property from   someone who is both competent and
          the estate of  the deceased to  their     trustworthy.  The person you choose
          beneficiaries.      During  the  probate   to be executor should  be outlined  in
          process the executor of your will goes    your will.  Someone  you appoint  to
          before the courts and indentifies and     be the executor of your will  has the
          catalogs all the property you owned,      right to refuse, so you should have a
          appraises  the property,  and pays all    backup executor in place just in case.
          debts and taxes, proves that the will is

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