Page 32 - v1-DonohueGuide-WorkingFile-TA
P. 32


          After  a  death,  there are many legal    Bank accounts
          details to work out.  While it is not     What is to be done with bank accounts
          necessary to get a lawyer, it is strongly   after a death varies regionally.  In
          recommended.   A  lawyer will make        some regions,  bank accounts  are
          sure all the ‘t’s are crossed and i’s are   automatically  frozen after a death.
          dotted”.  The time following a death of   To avoid any complications, the bank
          a  loved  one is extremely emotional,     should  be  notified  immediately,  and
          and even the closest family will have     you should find out the procedures for
          disagreements  over the most trivial      releasing these funds, and how to set
          matters.   To make sure there is still    up a new account for funds received
          peace in the family, it is a good idea to   after the death.  It’s recommended that
          let a lawyer figure things out.           a joint account stay open for at least
                                                    six months to allow you to deposit
          Before getting in touch with a            any cheques that are made out to
          lawyer there are several important        the deceased.  To take a name off a
          documents that you need to gather.        joint bank account, banks require  to
          Those include:                            see the original Death Certificate and
                                                    will make their own copy of  it.  If  the
          • Wills                                   deceased had a safety deposit box in
          • Deeds                                   a bank, the contents will be listed by
          • Bank Statements                         a bank officer and the original Death
          • Insurance Policies                      Certificate  will  be  required  to  gain
          • Vehicle and Boat titles                 access to the safety deposit box.
          • Tax Documents

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