Page 1 - The Alpha Nus - Spring 2017
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Alpha Nu Building Association of Theta Chi, Inc.  |  Summer 2017 |  Georgia Institute of Technology
                                      Alumni Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

                From the                       Alumni      InmAn T. Dubberly ’05
       Alumni President                      Spotlight:

                                           Alumni  Spotlight:  Editor’s  Note:  For  this
                  Brothers,                edition of the newsletter we’re shining the
                    I   hope you are enjoying   Spotlight on  Inman Dubberly ’05. From
                  a beautiful summer! While   the hometown of Norcross, GA, Inman
                  many of you are getting a   earned his degree in industrial engineering.
                  little extra sunshine and   As an active member, he served the chapter
                  spending time with family, we   as rush chair, and he helped rebuild the
                  are already looking forward   house. Today, Inman is area vice president
     to the fall at Alpha Nu! This year, Homecoming   at Waffle House, having been with the
     will be held on Saturday, October 21, against   company for 12 years in August. He and his
     Wake Forest. To start the season off, the Chick-  wife, Courtney, have been married for five
                                           years. In his community, Inman is a member
     fil-A kickoff game will be held at the Mercedes-  of the 51  Airborne Flying Club, and he is a
     Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia, on September   private pilot as a hobby. For fun, he enjoys
     4, 2017, when the Yellow Jackets take on the   watching the Atlanta Falcons and Braves.
     Tennessee Volunteers. This will mark the first
     of our OX Tailgates. We will be organizing our
     pregame festivities this summer. Tailgating will   What is your favorite memory from your time as
     take place on the lawn at the chapter house   an active member?
     before every GT home game. Below are the home
     games for 2017:                          My favorite memories are the ones from days   Inman at his wedding in 2012.
                                            and nights just sitting around the house with no
     Date          Opponent                 plan and seeing what happened. Sometimes it   House is structured in a way that gave me the
     Saturday, Sept. 9   Jacksonville State  turned into crazy fun and sometimes it was just   opportunity to move up quickly based off my
     Saturday, Sept. 23  Pittsburgh         good conversation. I enjoyed the people I spent   own performance, and to also build wealth in my
     Saturday, Sept. 30  North Carolina     time with and all the experiences that came from it.   career through the stock plan. Waffle House is just
     Saturday, Oct. 21   Wake Forest – Homecoming                                  such a strong brand. People love to tell you their
     Saturday, Nov. 11  Virginia Tech                                              Waffle House stories, and it’s actually a pretty fun
     Saturday, Nov. 25  Georgia                                                    place to work.
      I encourage you to check out the chapter                                     What is the training process like?
     house—the actives have been taking great care                                   The training process is very hands-on. It all
     to preserve our legacy.                                                       happens inside the units, and you are expected to
      We need your help to stay ahead of the rising                                master each position, including cooking. I would
     cost to maintain the house.                                                   say at one point, I was probably the best cook in
      1. Maintenance issues continue to come up.                                   the company; however, I don’t get to do it enough
      2. Property taxes are on the rise again.                                     by myself to keep that title anymore. Over about
      3. Alpha Nu Scholarships. It is imperative to                                12 weeks, trainees work inside a training unit,
     our chapter members to receive support. ****                                  and  learn  all  the  ins  and  outs  of  the  restaurant
       If you have yet to make a gift in support of the                            including production, inventory, computer system,
     Alpha Nu Building Association this year, please                               ordering, people systems, etc. The capstone in the
     do so today! Each contribution—no matter how                                  training process is Waffle House University, after
     small—does make a difference. Simply use the   Brothers at the stadium in New Orleans for   which you receive your bachelor’s degree in Waffle
     enclosed letter tear-away and envelope, or visit   the Falcons/Saints game: George P. Burrell,   House restaurant management and are eligible to
     us online at to   Drew Thorp, Nelly Frederick, and Inman.  get your own unit.
     make a secure online gift.                                                    How were you able to advance so quickly over
      I hope that as you read through this edition of   After graduation, why did you take a job with   the years?
     the newsletter you feel pride in being an Alpha   Waffle House?                 It was hard work. I’d say a lot of what made
     Nu. We hope to see YOU at an upcoming event!   It was actually recommended to  me by my   me successful was persistence and resilience. I
                                            roommate, Mark Edwards, who put me into   had some rough days and times, but I just kept
                                            contact with another friend who had previously   coming back for more and stayed focused on
                                            graduated and was already working there. It was   what I wanted to accomplish. Waffle House is
     Ian Willoughby ’92                     such an interesting opportunity. The company is   a great place for Tech grads. Tech grads like to
     ANBA President                         very strong, debt free, privately owned. Waffle
                                                                                                       (Continued on Page 4)
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