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Fall 2014 | Phi Kappa Sigma, University of Illinois | Alumni Relations Ofce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987 A Message from > Alumni Spotlight: Alumni Advisory Board t’s an exciting Editor’s Note: For this edition of the newsletter we’re shining I time for Rho the Spotlight on Dennis Walter ’92. From the hometown Chapter! After a of Itasca, IL, Dennis came to Illinois in pursuit of his downturn and a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting before continuing on decision by Rho at DePaul University to earn his MBA in Finance. membership to Currently working as a CPA at First Bank and Trust, Dennis has been in the accounting business rent out the chapter for 23 years. He has also been with the Rho Chapter house, things are defnitely looking Alumni Board and has served as Treasurer for over 21 up. It is the resolve of the alumni to years now. Diagnosed with Leukemia in 2011, Dennis continue this upward trajectory by has been maintaining his health since a successful rebuilding our chapter and expanding transplant in 2012. He gives back to the community by our alumni association. volunteering with his church, local soup kitchens, and To bring everyone up-to-date, working with the Franciscan Outreach Shelter. the Alpha Xi Delta sorority was Dennis is also a volunteer with the Phi enthusiastic at the prospect of having Kappa Sigma International Fraternity Dennis mushing with the huskies on top of a glacier in Alaska. a new house to call home, just as we National Housing Corporation. were enthusiastic about rebuilding the membership of Rho. As we worked What led you to join Rho chapter? pledge brothers had a daughter who passed away at with the Phi Kappa Sigma National I was choosing between Skulls and another a very young age. I was at a loss for words, but Housing Corporation to conduct the fraternity. At the end of the Rush Weekend, the for myself and other fellow Skulls to show up at $700k remodeling necessary to bring fraternities were hosting BBQ’s so as to get to know the visitation, it was important for us to be there the structure up to code, we realized everyone in a more relaxed environment. I told with him during his loss...that’s what you do in a that this was the frst step on the path myself I would go to the Phi Kap BBQ frst, then fraternity, that’s what we do at Skulls. We don’t to success for our own chapter. Both go to the other one. I never left the BBQ at Skulls! just forget about each other after 4 years of college, parties love the fnished product, as They were just down-to-earth guys and a couple of we stay in touch during the highs and lows of life Alpha Xi Delta was able to move in the members were in Business/Accounting majors after college. On a lighter note, my other memory before the start of classes. We look like myself, so the decision was pretty easy to make. is March 2005 at the Allstate Arena in Chicago. Was forward to partnering with them, as we able to watch with (nicknames...) begin the frst year of a 5-year lease. What did you enjoy most Fat Johnny, Dego and T-Money Now it is time to take the next step. about living in the house? our beloved Fighting Illini go to For their part, our undergraduate When you live in the Skull the Final Four with one of the brothers have accepted the challenge. house, you do it for one reason.... most improbable comebacks in With the support of the Phi Kappa the food! I’m joking, but I college basketball history. To Sigma headquarters staff, membership wanted to give props to the cook see that game in person with quickly grew from 10 to 30 over the whose name I can’t remember. my fellow pledge brothers was last school year. But that’s just the Seriously, I enjoyed living under pretty special. beginning. The next step is to double one roof with 30 fellow Skulls. After graduation how that number then continue to grow, I had my own “apartment” at the did you get your frst so in 5 years time we can be ready to house, but you have a number of “My brother and I celebrating our birthday. build a brand new house for members. other “apartment” rooms that Yes, it is me on the right.” accounting job? ΦΚΣ As alumni, what is our part? you can walk into and hang out I got my frst job in accounting Through engagement and involvement in. When the opportunity arises, you can either through networking. Although, at the time in we can help the undergraduates on study with fellow Skulls til 3AM, you can just hang 1993, it wasn’t called networking back then. I their mission. Time and resources are out and talk about whatever til 3AM, or you can had given my resume to a friend of mine from my valuable assets that do not require crank up the Metallica til 3AM, too! accounting classes and she forwarded it on to her the opening of wallets. You all have father. Months later, her father gave my resume to valuable skill sets and networks that What has been your most memorable his accountant. More months later, the accountant can help the undergraduates begin experience as an alumnus? had a job opening at his CPA frm in Palos Heights, Board (Continued on Page 4) I can’t pick just one, so I will pick two. One of my Walter (Continued on Page 3)
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