Page 2 - Rho Extra - Fall 2014
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ChApter NewS From the new members. November will mark one of our Chapter President greatest philanthropic efforts with Skullhouse Rock, a concert charity event with all proceeds going towards the Leukemia and Lymphoma eing President this semester has been Society. With the premier of this event, we Ban amazing experience. Nothing in my hope to create a tradition that will continue for college career has made me feel as challenged years to come. We have also built a new website and satisfed as my work with the chapter. from the ground up,, to Our growth from 9 to 30 members over the centralize important contact information and Mark (left) with fall Alumni Spotlight Dennis Walter (right), and Alumni Chairman Erik Michaelesko (center). past year has created challenges to overcome. status updates for the fraternity. Things as basic as membership dues collections Finishing off this semester, we look forward Looking forward, the next two semesters will to complex issues like exec board needed to to tackling issues such as offcer transitions and be a critical time in Rho Chapter’s history. The be overhauled. The brothers of Rho have met making sure continuity exists, helping each challenges and objectives the chapter faces will these challenges head on and worked hard to new offcer to build off the outgoing offcer’s be key in determining the future potential of overcome them. I am grateful to be surrounded work. Spring marks the start of a new rush the fraternity. I’m confdent that the brothers of by such motivated individuals. season and the brothers are extremely excited Rho Chapter have what it takes to secure the The fall semester has been one of great to participate in a never before attempted rush future su ΦΚΣccess of our fraternity at the University progress. The rush chairs and national workshop coordinated with a sorority. We will of Illinois. consultants have worked to create a new rush be solidifying our rush skills while at the same workshop, helping members have involving time improving social relations between the Mark Sosa and meaningful conversations with potential two organizations. Mark Sosa > Chapter Spotlight: erik MiChAleSko Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is What type of work did you do during Senior Erik Michalesko. From the hometown of Skokie, your summer internship? IL, Erik is pursuing a double major in Psychology and Communications and is set to graduate this spring. When I worked as an intern at Reggies Rock Our current Alumni Relations and Mom’s Day Chair, Club this past summer, I promoted events at Erik has also served the chapter as Philanthropy Chair, the venue through social media and engaged in Interfraternity Council Representative, Homecoming grassroots advertising in specifc neighborhoods Chair, Dads’ Day Chair, Vice President, and President. in Chicago. I also play guitar and was even in a He is also responsible for helping the parents of the band back in high school called Blame the Dog, undergrads form the Parent Association. Erik is also part so being around other musicians was great. of the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society, UNICEF, Erik outside of the chapter house, and he has volunteered with Feel Good UIUC – an How would you like to apply your degree the day after initiation. organization that works to help fght world hunger. after graduation? I would like to apply my Psychology and What led you to join Phi Kappa for fundraising and philanthropy. This past Communication degree to the advertising and Sigma? year, we held two Friends of Skulls gatherings marketing feld. I have been looking for entry- When I was a frst semester Freshman I had in which the undergraduates, their parents, level positions at advertising agencies and public and Phi Kappa Sigma alumni have all gotten an Introduction to Film class that met every together and discussed productive affairs positions at large corporations. Tuesday and Thursday. Towards the end of the ways to improve the chapter. semester, I was assigned to do a group project with Nick Rice, who was a brother that had What was your Grand Chapter pledged that semester. I could see right away experience like? that the guys were the kind of people I could hang out with for the next four years. They were I was able to see the inner workings more diverse and approachable than the regular of the International Fraternity and fraternity members that I had met at other was able to meet brothers from houses, so a week after meeting them I accepted chapters and colonies that I didn’t my bid and have been a Phi Kap ever since. even know existed. We shared our experiences that we’d had within our Why did you see the need to improve own individual chapters, and I made the Parents Association? some lifelong friends along the way. I thought that a strong Parents Association I also got to enjoy the Nashville night could beneft the chapter by lending support life, which was amazing. The active brothers at the very frst Friends of Skulls, held in January 2014.
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