Page 4 - Rho Extra - Fall 2014
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Phi Kappa Sigma FIRST-CLASS MAIL PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID University of Illinois PERMIT NO. 2550 ATLANTA, GA Alumnae Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828 | Atlanta, Georgia 30366 Address Service Requested Alumni communication services provided by Te Laurus Group | | 770-903-3987 | @thelaurusgroup walter (Continued from Page 3) expected completion date of August 2015. We Board would not build a new house just to copy what a fraternity across the street does. However, if (Continued from Page 1) not only our National Headquarters but also (and we will) grow our membership to match their careers and develop into great men. from students at the Indiana University chapter, the size of Phi Psi’s, then it becomes a logical Please provide us with your background who drove to Champaign for a weekend to offer conclusion that we evaluate the option of a new so our undergraduates can develop help. Also, many Rho Chapter alums have house structure. mentors and build relationships with you helped with monetary donations to defray the as they begin life after college. costs of rush BBQs. Furthermore, other Rho What advice can you offer the alumni and Obviously the extent of involvement Chapter alums have sat down with the students actives about creating a personal budget? will be up to you. But for now: let us and given them advice on how to recruit and Having been in the accounting profession over know how you are doing, let us know what questions to ask in order to engage a the past 20+ years, I been involved in creating what you are doing and let us know how prospective member. budgets for my employers, for our Housing Corporation and for our students. What I have best to contact you. What is the best long-term solution? learned in budgeting from my work life, I have A general thanks goes out to all who Longer term, as the recruitment efforts pay also applied it to my personal life. Budgeting, at have been involved to this point. In the coming years, we hope that number dividends over a 4 to 5 year period, we will be the end of the day, helps you achieve a goal. If becomes a long, long list. in a situation where the membership size has you want to run a marathon, you have to budget increased to such a point where an apartment your time in such a way that you properly train cluster is no longer feasible. Again, we expect and rest up for race day. One can take it a step the students to succeed in obtaining a high further and plan to run a marathon in Dublin, Brian Bagan ’88 sustainable membership. With the expected Ireland. Not only do you budget time to train President success, we have to look at what will be a feasible properly, but also you budget your spending in housing solution. Personally, I believe that such a way that you can save money to afford budget spending? The frst step is to look back Connect with Us! building a new house structure on our beloved the fights and lodging for that trip. How do you address of 313 East Chalmers is the best long- term solution. This would not only reward the at what you have been spending your money on students for their successful recruitment efforts and see what cuts need to be made to afford the Visit our new website at: but also help Skulls stay competitive with trip to Ireland. One cannot cut their food budget pks-illinois the fraternities on campus. Right now, right to zero, but one could reduce their “dining out” Or check out our Facebook page at: across the street, the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity portion of the food budget in order to achieve is working on a rehab of their house with an the goal of going on a trip overseas.
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