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The IllInoIs sIg

                                Sigma Chi Fraternity  |  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  |  Spring 2018
                            Alumni Relations Office  |  P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366  |

     From the                                      Alumni  Edward N. Koenig ’42
     Housing Corporation
     President                                   Spotlight        & Thomas E. Koenig ’65

                                                Editor’s  NotE: For this edition of the newsletter
          “Mission Impossible”                  we’re shining the Spotlight on father and son Kappa
                ...No Way…                      Kappas Ed Koenig ’42 and Tom Koenig ’65. Both
                                                Ed and Tom have been honored as Significant Sigs and
           “Mission Possible!”                  are invaluable to the Sigma Chi brotherhood as lead-
                                                ers in the business industry. Ed and his wife’s brother,
                                                Tom Strey, started a real estate company, Koenig &
                  Brothers,                     Strey, in 1961. After opening several more offices, their
                     I am reminded of a scene   business grew to be one of the largest family-owned real
                  in the first of this action movie   estate companies in the Chicagoland area. Tom Koenig
                  series—wherein the lead charac-  went on to become CEO of Koenig & Strey Real Estate
                  ters are speeding along in a bul-  and built his family company to a market leader in
                  let train toward adventure. That   Chicago. Both men have enjoyed great success in life.   Ed and Tom turning in their
                  vision comes to mind as I try to   Read on to find out more about this dynamic duo.  recommendation letters for a Significant
                  express the speed and enthusi-                                                 Sig nomination.
                  asm with which your board is
     moving! Our “Mission Possible” is in process and   Ed Koenig ’42
     is taking shape as we speak. Let me expound…
        From feedback spanning the last couple of   Ed Koenig ’42 joined the U.S. Air Force after
     years from our beloved alumni and undergraduate   graduating with a business degree from Illinois. He
     members, and personal assessments through visits   became the 391st Bomb Group adjutant, formed
     to the chapter house, your board is aware and has   at MacDill Field, and was a key person in their over-
     determined the following:                 seas headquarters. He went on to earn the Bronze
        The campus, student population (and demo-  Star, American Campaign, European-African-
     graphics) is in the midst of change. As a reflection   Middle  Eastern  Campaign, Word War Victory
     of this change—student housing is changing.   Medals, and the Croix de Guerre. Ed is most
     Parents are more involved and want positive   proud of his family and the 75 years that he and   What led you to join Kappa Kappa?
     environments for their sons. Competition from   his wife Norma have been married. They have   I joined in my sophomore year after being
     alternative housing stock is keen. However, perhaps   known one another for 82 years, ever since they   recruited by the rush chairman, who turned out
     most important: Dear ’ole 410—while beautiful   were  in the  same Sunday  School class  together.   to be an old high school friend. Sigma Chi had
     and perfect in our memory—is tired. Over a century   Later, Norma Strey and Ed Koenig were at U of   a great reputation—it was known as a wonderful
     worth of providing student housing to young men—  I together, and when they were seniors he gave   fraternity. There were also several athletes in the
     and over 20 years since the last renovation indicates   his “sweetheart” his pin. They were married only   group. Everyone was very friendly—the friendship
     it’s time … that’s right, it’s time for a refresh!   a month later, before Ed shipped off to England   expressed by the brothers was outstanding.
        Best of all, we also know: on all measures,   as a 1  Lieutenant in the Air Force. They wrote   How has your Kappa Kappa bond strength-
     Kappa Kappa has great student leadership in the   one another letters every day for over two years,   ened the relationship between you and Tom?
     chapter (and excellent bench strength)! Last year,   which they have saved and bound in four volumes   It  was  an  important  move  for Tom  to  join
     the chapter won the Peterson Significant Chapter   filled with the dreams of two young lovers. Ed   Kappa Kappa after moving away from home. It was
     Award for the first time in far too many years. The   and Norma had four children, who married and   great to see him become part of it. Both Tom and
     Peterson  is  a  measurement  by  the  international   produced 10 grandchildren, who married and gave   I were awarded the Significant Sig recognition. We
     fraternity of chapter operational leadership. The   them 17 great-grandchildred … and counting! All   both carry the bond with us always. My son and I
     application is in for the current year operations   45 family members celebrated their 75  wedding   were very active during our years at Illinois. He let-
     and we have every expectation that Kappa Kappa   anniversary with them last summer at Dairymen’s.   tered in track and pole vault and sang in the Varsity
     will be in the winner’s circle again this year!   They attribute their good fortune and advanced   Men’s Glee Club. I was assistant editor of the Illio
      •  We are operating at full (60 man) housing   age (both are 97) to their strong faith, close family   and pro counsel. At my age, I don’t get to visit 410
        capacity and have another 60-plus men on   and friends, and the joy they derive from being   E. John, but I am pleased to read The Illinois Sig.
        campus.                                “together.”                          Tom and I were both very impressed reading about
      •  Chapter GPA rank is No. 11.             (Community Contributor Jeanne K. Hanson)   Neal Hammon ’48 in the newsletter.
                                               Kappa Kappa had the pleasure of speaking with
                                               Ed recently:
         Corporation President (continued on page 6)                                      Alumni Spotlight (continued on page 4)
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