Page 6 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2018
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Alumni News
Kappa Kappa Brother Receives Honor
Congratulations to business law, sports and entertainment, and real Thayer was awarded the Order of Constantine for
Steve Thayer ’88 for estate. During his career, Steve has represented his commitment, dedication, and service to the
receiving the Chicago entrepreneurs and business owners in the forma- Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Illini of the Year Award tion, funding, and sale of their businesses. In Induction into the Order of Constantine is
at the 2018 Chicago addition, he performs financial and estate plan- considered to be the highest honor that the Sigma
Illini of the Year Awards ning for families. In 2013, he was a finalist for the Chi Fraternity bestows upon one of its members.
Dinner on April 3, 2018, prestigious Family Office Review Award—Best Steve was the spring 2013 Alumni Spotlight mem-
sponsored by the Illinois Private Client Lawyer in North America. ber for the Illinois Sig. Steve joins fellow Kappa
Alumni Association and Steve has been involved in various civic and Kappa brother Richard Cline ’57—LAS chairman
the Chicago Illini Club. community causes, including the Hinsdale and director, Hawthorne Investors Inc., managing
Steve is a founding Public Library Foundation, Hinsdale Village partner, Hawthorne Investments LLC., and board
partner of the Chicago- Caucus, Committee of 100 Community Leaders, member of the University of Illinois—as a recipi-
based law firm of Handler Thayer and serves Entrepreneurs Organization, Sigma Chi Fraternity ent of this prestigious recognition. Brother Cline
as chairman of the Steve Thayer Commercial alumni organizations, and the University of was a member of the first class of recipients of the
Practice Group, which focuses on corporate and Illinois Foundation’s President’s Council. In 2013, Chicago Illini of the Year Award in 2007.
Corporation the summer: First floor flooring, lighting, and involvement and insights have been valuable as
paint; library refresh; and rehab of the women’s
we move our agenda forward. Mark Anderson is
President bathroom and the second-floor bathroom. a blessing; that says it all! I will speak for all of us
(continued from page 1) Our longer-term plans will not be exclusively as a Kappa Kappa EX community: we are grateful
focused on a “refresh” but, more importantly, for your efforts!
with college education costs increasing, the need Last, we are proud to share the following
• We recently received a very generous gift to compete for the best of the best, and with the achievements:
from Brother H. Wayne Maddux ’46 of recent $630,000 gift we are also going to focus on
$630,000 to be used for scholarships. We all scholarship funds. Having six kids attend a Jesuit 1. The Mom’s Club keeps coming through
want to say a big Sigma Chi “thank you” high school and college, I am empathetic to the and raised about $9,000 over Mom’s
to the Maddux family. This gift will go a tremendous need to make our scholarship pro- Weekend this spring. Thank you to the
long way in helping us with our “Mission gram impactful and my hope is that you will too! mothers!!! We continue to have ongoing
Possible.” meetings with this great group of commit-
So, let’s turn our “Mission Possible” into
• Derby Days was another successful event, reality! We continue the real estate tax battle on ted mothers.
raising close to $20,000 for the Huntsman the legislative front. Mark Anderson ’77 has been 2. Steve Thayer ’88, a member of the Kappa
Cancer Foundation. spearheading efforts with the entire Greek com- Kappa Foundation Board and past presi-
dent of the House Corporation Board
• Sigma Chi National has implemented munity to legislate relief. Real estate taxes doubled and a Constantine Sig class of ’13, won
some new rules concerning social events, for our chapter and, in some cases, tripled for the Chicago Illini of the Year Award.
rush events, and the use of alcohol. This is others. Tom Munger ’13 is heading-up our com- Congratulations to Steve. His son Ryan
a very positive movement. The challenge munication efforts and our new website has been initiated in the fall and Steve has reen-
is to build this into our ongoing efforts of launched, in addition to a chapter Facebook page. gaged in our “Mission Possible!”
the “chapter culture.” A new position of media director has been imple-
• We continue to make efforts in imple- mented to coordinate all social media. Please go 3. John Hinnen ’79 appeared in Entrepreneur
Magazine. John is a toy maker at heart and
menting the Ritual For Life program, to our website at to register. never gave up on his dream, so recently
which used to be Post Initiate Training Mike Bellah ’14 oversees rush at the board level. after the auto plant he was working at
(PIT). We continue to suggest improvements and help closed, John got busy “tinkering again.”
• We have in place a chapter advisor. the members think about how to best communi- He sent his most recent invention, The
Your board remains committed and very active cate our mission. Snow Slugger, to Wham-O. If you want
as its landlord, but more importantly, as the chapter’s Additionally, Jason Detweiler ’08 is a major to find out the rest of story you can reach
guiding light to provide our collective wisdom! Our part of our success as he keeps the old mother John at or search for
awareness and commitment to you has brought to ship in shape. Thank you, Jason! I want to thank the magazine article How One of America’s
a point for a Call-To-Action. This Call-To-Action him for his commitment and relentless pursuit of Most Beloved Toy Makers Rebounded From
is akin to our fraternity’s Character-in-Action a never-ending job. He was instrumental in the Near Death.
Award, where alumni are recognized for rising to coordination of our move to a new management To all of you Kappa Kappa alumni…it is an
the occasion! This Call-To-Action will be asking company, which has been critical. James Escobar honor to serve. I am a Sigma Chi!
our alumni to rise to the occasion. Plans are being ’95 has taken over the reins of financial officer on
formulated and are in motion to bring about the board and is currently working with our new In hoc,
change … aka a facelift for our beloved 410. CPA firm to make sure we are better prepared.
In motion??? We have currently hired our old Steve Sarovich ’75 continues to make his pres-
friend and brother, Rod Reid, to bring to light ence felt on the board and has been instrumen-
our short and long-term plans. We have identified tal in all aspects of our chapter. Dan Mackey Peter Steger ’79
the following critical needs that will be done over has been a great addition to our board and his President of your House Corporation
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