Page 2 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2018
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Chapter News

      From the
      Chapter President

                      To be the newly elected consul is a great honor and
                   is something I had been working toward since I initiated
                   into the Kappa Kappa Chapter of Sigma Chi. The rich
                   history behind this chapter and the outstanding brother-  The brothers of the house gathered for an annual group photo. Pictured with
                   hood we have are only a couple of the reasons why I take   the white cross, the brothers sported Sigma Chi and Illinois gear to show spirit
                   such pride in being the consul of Kappa Kappa.            toward our school and our beloved house.
                      Being elected consul is only the first step in achieving   consuls to come and I know that this can be done. I have full confidence
                   the goals I have set for myself and my brothers. I am striv-  that the entire chapter will work tirelessly to continue getting ritual certified,
     ing to improve our on-campus philanthropy and extend our efforts beyond   make improvements to our recruitment program, and leave our mark on
     the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, and to get our chapter more involved with   Kappa Kappa history.
     other Greek organizations.
        By joining with some of the other 45 houses within the Interfraternity   In Hoc,
     Council, the possibilities are endless. With our most recent success in win-
     ning the Peterson Award, the most prestigious Sigma Chi award a chapter
     can receive, we have a unique opportunity to make this the standard for all   Kevin Steiner

     Social Update                            Awards and Honors

     By Social Chairs Thomas Abrams and       Peterson Award
     Eric Zuigler
                                                This past summer, seven brothers
        Over the past semester, our social events have   of the Kappa Kappa Chapter joined
     been at an all-time high for the brothers of Kappa   over 240 other Sigma Chi chapters
     Kappa. We have continued with our usual holiday   and over 2,000 active brothers at the
     bar crawls and fraternity-sorority exchanges with a   Balfour Leadership Training Workshop.
     new addition of the Sigma Chi Rodeo. The rodeo   Joining them was brother Scott Altman
     was a phenomenal event that consisted of broth-  ’81.50, who spent over 40 days in space
     ers inviting a lovely lady to our farm-decorated   as an astronaut. Brother Altman gave an
     senior house that resembled an authentic barn   excellent keynote speech about the val-  Brothers accept the Peterson award at the Balfour Leadership
     and also included a very entertaining mechanical   ues and ideals he learned as a Sigma Chi   Training Workshop in the summer of 2017 with alumni
     bull that the whole gathering enjoyed.   that helped him achieve the success he   Mike Church and Scott Altman.
                                              enjoys today. The highlight of the work-
        On April 7, over 45 Kappa Kappa members   shop came at the closing ceremony when Executive Director Mike Church ’05 awarded his chapter its
     and their dates attended our annual formal dance   first Peterson Significant Chapter Award in 29 years!
     in downtown Chicago. A moonlight dinner was
     held at the Hubbard Inn, which is run by Carmen   Greek Oscars
     Rossi ’03, and the night was topped off with an      First Place: Member  Development:
     overnight stay at the Hotel Allegro. Social events   Kevin  Steiner  (Consul)
     have always been an important part of Sigma Chi,     accepts the first-place award
     and at Kappa Kappa they continue to bring our        for  outstanding  member
     brothers closer and make the college experience      development program on
     more enjoyable.                                      behalf of the Kappa Kappa
                                                          Chapter at the 2018 Greek
                                               Kevin Steiner
                                                          Second Place: Scholarship Program:
                                                          Kevin Steiner also accepted   The Kappa Kappa Chapter received awards for most
                                                          the second-place award for   outstanding chapter president, most outstanding
                                                          outstanding scholarship pro-  membership development program, second place
                                                          gram on behalf of the Kappa   for risk management, and second place for its
                                                          Kappa Chapter at the 2018   scholarship program at the Greek Oscars. From left:
                                               Danny O’Neil  Greek Oscars.       Marc Sleiman, Connor Callaghan, Danny O’Neil,
                                                          Second  Place:  Risk Management:   Anthony Greco, Kevin Steiner, Lukas Kerstien,
                                              Danny O’Neil accepts the award for second   Mathew Naval, and Mathew Skelton attended
        Pledge Wedding 2018: Brother Neil Novosel   place outstanding risk management on behalf   the 2018 Greek Oscars put on by Fraternity and
      married his sweetheart while surrounded by their   of the Kappa Kappa Chapter at the 2018   Sorority Affairs.
                  wedding party.              Greek Oscars.
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