Page 5 - The Illinois Sig - Spring 2018
P. 5

Alumni Spotlight (continued from page 1)  Alumni News

        Hammon sHenanigans                                                         new family legacy, Daniel Gartrell ’20 Eta Omega
                                                                                   (Baylor). The tour was appreciated, and it was good
                                                                                   to see that the chapter room is almost unchanged.
                                                                                   We all got a kick out of the fact that the ’Jones Porch’
                                                                                   (pictured below) still prevails. Thanks to Kasey
                                                                                   Breedlove,  Kevin  Steiner, and  Neil  Novosel  for
                                                                                   making all the arrangements. It’s good to see that the
                                                                                   chapter continues to be in strong hands.

       Neal Hammon ’48 shares a memory from a 1960s deer hunting trip. “The roads could have been
       better to my Nash Rambler station wagon. I was doing all right until the bottom came out of my
       old deer stand!”

     George E. Mullins ’49 – I earned three letters on the   to the brothers at a chapter meeting (pictured bot-
     U of I swim team. Now, at age 92, I swim a half mile   tom left with Kevin Steiner) about how the white
     three days a week—thankful!            cross has helped him through life and his time at the
     Thompson A. Dyke ’56 – I have become a great   University of Illinois. Thank you, Bob!
     grandfather. Elinor Anne Herlotsman is her name   Scott D. Altman ’81 – I recently spoke at the Balfour
     and she lives in Chicago. We are enjoying Naples,   Leadership  Training  Workshop. Great interaction   L-R. Cliff Jones ’81, Chip Jones ’83, Bill Jones
                      FL.  It  is  nice and  warm,   with undergrads, involving KK leadership.   ’53, and Daniel Gartrell (Eta Omega–Baylor
                      sunny with blue skies. I see   Charles L. Groebe ’83  – Commercial real estate   ’20). The “Jones Porch” legacy.
                      Dave Andrews and Rusty   specialist, Chicago office. My eldest son Theodore, a
                      Jensen from class of ’55. In   senior at Illinois, received his assignment as PILOT
                      hoc to all the brothers.                                     Jon B. Kennett ’88 – All good. Go EX.
                                            from the Navy ROTC recently. His brother Thomas
                      R. Grant Smith ’57 – Now   is a sophomore at Columbia College in Chicago   David J. Burden ’92  – My wife Kristy (Kappa
                      have 12 grandkids and   in film/directing. We are proud of our two "Eagle   Kappa Gamma) and I took the kids for a visit during
                      three great-grands! More   Scouts."                          Homecoming Weekend this fall. Our sons enjoyed
                      fun than college and more   Chip Jones ’83 – Thank you to the brothers of Kappa   it, but the chapter house is in dire need of renova-
                      educational.          Kappa for making our March visit a memorable one.   tions. Time to suck it up brothers!
                      Bob Caggan  ’61  visited   My Dad, Bill Jones ’53, brother, Cliff Jones ’81,
                      his alma matter and spoke   and I had a great time showing the house to our   Chapter Eternal

      Letter to the Editor                                                           We are saddened to learn of the passing of
                     How  much  Don Johnson   blind date arranged by his Sig brothers and my   the following Kappa Kappa brothers:
                  ’49  would have enjoyed read-  Kappa sisters. We married in 1950 and lived in   William G. O’Neil ’41
                  ing The Illinois Sig that arrived   Deerfield, IL, for over 42 of our 67 years, where   Merrill D. Moore ’47
                  the other day. He did love his   he and Paul Hamer ’45 enjoyed weekly bull ses-
                  fraternity and the wonderful   sions five days a week for some years. Our visits   Donald C. Johnson ’49
                  men who were members during   to the chapter house and the campus, when we   Chester E. Trost ’50
                  his era. One of his roommates   returned for Homecoming, were always a treat.   Robert O. Rempert ’53
      was Peter Steger’s dad. Don had just returned   Yours Truly,                          Donald F. Manthei ’54
      from  WWII when he came to campus and   Marian Johnson                                 James S. Majors ’60
      joined the chapter. Don was my third date, a                                            Robert J. Eagan ’73
                                            Mrs. Donald C. Johnson

       Leave a Legacy!
         Consider a lasting gift that will support the brothers of Kappa Kappa Chapter long after you are
      gone. By including Kappa Kappa in your estate pans, you ensure the long-term health and success of
      our fraternity.  Here’s what you and/or your adviser might need to know.
         The most common ways to include Kappa Kappa Chapter are through your will or by naming   Have Alumni News?
      Kappa Kappa of Sigma Chi Foundation as a beneficiary under a life insurance policy.  We want to hear from you! Send your per-
         Sample language for your will or estate plan:                              sonal updates, accomplishments, adventures,
         “I leave the sum of ($XXXXXX.xx or XX% of my estate) to Kappa Kappa of Sigma Chi Foundation,   and photos to our account manager, Kasey
         tax ID# 20-3901938 for their general purposes.”                            Breedlove, at, or
         ** This information is not presented as legal or tax advice. Always consult with you advisers for   simply fill out the back of the enclosed gift form
         questions or clarifications.**                                             and return it in the mail. We want to share it in
                  Your brothers and those following in their footsteps thank you!        the next issue of The Illinois Sig!

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