Page 2 - Theta Kappa Fall 2013
P. 2
Chapter news
From the Chapter President

he Theta Kappa Chapter has
Tcontinued to move forward,
setting the bar of success higher each
year not only for ourselves but the
entire Greek community alike. The
Chapter received its 3rd consecutive
Peterson Signifcant Chapter Award
which is the highest award that an
undergraduate chapter can receive
from the Sigma Chi Fraternity.
Here at Theta Kappa we have one of the most
successful philanthropic events in the nation—our
annual Fight Night. Fight Night is an amateur boxing
tournament which helps raise money for The Boys and
Girls Club (BGC) of Arlington. In 2012, we raised an Theta Kappa chapter and alumni members with our 3rd consecutive Peterson Award!
astounding $25,000 for BGC which is a remarkable
amount and achievement. In addition the Chapter
conducted its frst Derby Days philanthropy since 2005. Chapter Spotlight: David Wands
The Derby Days’ week was a huge success with over
600 participants, and raised over $5,500 to beneft The Editor’s Note: Representing our chapter, we are excited
Huntsman’s Cancer Foundation. The grand total of the to introduce you to our Spotlight David Wands. From
Chapter’s donation for 2012-2013 was $30,500—more the hometown of Lanarkshire, Scotland, David is
than all of the other UTA organizations combined! currently in his senior year at UTA. He is pursuing his
Theta Kappa continues to grow, accepting 32 men degree in Biological Chemistry, and will continue his
in one of the largest pledge classes in recent years. education further to work in Pharmaceutical Designs.
These young men continue to prove themselves as men For the past two years, he has served as our Fight
of good character, students of fair ability, with ambitious Night Chairman. He has also worked as a tour guide
purposes, a congenial disposition, possessed of good for the University, and stays busy playing intramurals
morals, having a high sense of honor and a deep sense and taking road trips with his Brothers.
of personal responsibility, and will make great Sigma
Chi’s in the coming weeks. What was your transition from because they were intimidated by
In addition, Theta Kappa continues to grow and Scotland to Texas like? Sigma Chi. I met a few Sigs and
cultivate its relationships with the community, the It was exciting more than anything. knew right away that these were the
university, as well as other organizations. As Sigma I was too young to realize the guys running things. The way they
Chi’s, we believe that the world requires more of us implications of leaving all my family carried themselves and the way they
than the world requires of other men. This is shown and friends behind. I can remember interacted with each other made me
by our actions towards each other, our school, and our picturing Texas as some sort of vast excited to be a part of something
community. You are always welcome at Theta Kappa. desert land where everyone rode great.
We invite each of you to become involved with the horses and everyone dressed like
Chapter and join us as we continue to strive for new cowboys. When we stepped off of What do you enjoy most about
levels of success. the plane it was 112 degrees outside. being a member of Sigma Chi?
That’s when I came to the realization The number of great friends I have
that things were going to be a bit made over the years has to be my
different. Things have gotten much favorite aspect of my time spent
Aaron Hobbs
Consul better since the frst few years we here in college. It’s strange to think
were here. And of course being the someone could have over 70 best
foreign kid with an accent makes it friends but it really is possible. No
The $25,000 check presentation to the Boys and Girls Club.
fun. matter what I am doing, if I am doing
it with my brothers, it’s guaranteed to
Did you plan on joining a fraternity be a great time. It’s a really awesome
at UTA? feeling knowing that you can go up to
I wasn’t planning on joining a someone with an issue and know that
fraternity at all when I arrived at they will be willing to help you in a
college. I wanted to just get my moment’s notice.
studies done as fast as possible. As
my frst semester progressed I met How do you prepare for Fight
a ton of new people and quite a few Night each year and what do you
turned out to be Greek. I chose Sigma enjoy most about it?
Chi as a result of all the other chapters Running Fight Night truly is a year
on campus bad mouthing Sigma Chi. round job. The number of meetings
In my eyes they were trash talking WANDS, continued on page 4
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