Page 4 - Theta Kappa Fall 2013
P. 4

Theta Kappa Founders Club With the assistance of the Founders Club members, the House Corporation was able to remodel the two
continued from page 1 downstairs bathrooms this summer.
Your contributions are greatly appreciated! BEFORE AFTER

The current members of the Theta Kappa House
Corporation are:

Chad Ward ’89 - President
Brian Shuck ’90 - Vice-President
Bryan Baughman ’02 - Treasurer
Tom Shearer ’88 - Secretary
Kevin Preola ’86 - Director
Bryan Abercrombie ’94 - Director

As you can see by the pictures below, we’ve come a long way since Theta Kappa was founded, to breaking ground on a new house, and our house
today, almost 30 years later.

1986 Chapter House 1987 Groundbreaking Ceremony 2013 Chapter House

WANDS, continued from page 2
and the amount of paperwork that goes into What are your plans for after graduation? Save the Date!
Fight Night truly could make somebody pull I plan on getting my doctorate in some area of
their hair out. But when that frst bell rings chemistry. I haven’t picked out what area suits Fight Night, Spring 2014
and the frst fght gets going everything seems my skill set best just yet. I know it will take
worth it, no matter how many all-nighters it some time but I really enjoy being in school. For more information,
took to get done. One of my favorite parts Plus I’ve heard that being a grown up isn’t too please contact David Wands at
about being Fight Night chair is knowing fun, so I’ll prolong my transition into the real
where that money is going. world as long as I possibly can.
The Boys and Girls Club is a
fantastic organization where a lot Stay Connected!
of my brothers work and I know the
money goes towards funding the Theta Kappa Founders Club
program overall. My favorite part
is knowing that the work that we
put in goes towards something so Chapter Site
awesome. We get to help provide
things to kids that they may never
have gotten if it wasn’t for the club. Facebook
Whether the money I help raise goes
towards a new soccer ball, more sigmachithetakappa/
snacks, or a new X -box, the only
thing that matters is that it helps the Address
kids out and puts a smile on their 1108 Greek Row
face. And that is what makes all the Arlington, TX 76013
all-nighters and weeks worth it. David fring up the crowd!

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