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Teta Chi at Adrian College | Fall 2013 | Zeta Beta Chapter | Alumni Relations Ofce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

Decker Dispatch Alumni Spotlight: Tom Fain ’03

Now it’s getting exciting. t is usually one’s goal to conquer every
Iexperience. Tom Fain ’03 mastered his time
Te last several columns with Zeta Beta, has grown substantially because
I’ve written for this of it, and continues to support the fraternity by
newsletter have all come staying involved and participating in events.
with promises of major Tom rushed the frst semester of his
renovations to the house freshman year in 1999. Doug Barrow ’00 knew
interior. As with any big Tom from high school and invited him to check
project there have been several obstacles to out the fraternity. After a few weeks, he was sold.
overcome and proverbial hoops to jump “More than anything, it’s a place to hang
through. I am more than pleased to announce out with people that have similar interests,” Tom Fain (second from left) with a group
in this edition of Te 315 Connection that said. “Every time I went over to the house I had of fellow Zeta Beta brothers.
the last foreseeable solution to the plumbing fun. Whether it was during the day or at night, positions of President, Vice President, Secretary,
issues has been addressed and the House I always had a good time. In a couple weeks Marshal, and Chaplain. He also attended
Corp. has started making good on those everybody became my friends, so it just seemed multiple national and regional events, including
promises of renovation improvements. natural at that point.” Mid-Year Leadership Conference, Deranian
On August 3 we reached an agreement Tat year, the senior class challenged the President’s Conference, and four summer
with campus ofcials and Freshcorn chapter to push forward. It resulted in Zeta conventions.
Building Co. to completely overhaul the Beta’s frst-ever Howard R. Alter, Jr. Award for Tom wanted to take his abilities and serve
walls through the entire house. Te scope of Chapter Excellence and resonated with Tom. the fraternity in another capacity, so he applied
the project will address the areas that were He knew his leadership and organization skills for and was ofered a position as a Leadership
cracking and peeling, as well as update the could be utilized within the chapter and wanted and Education Consultant (LEC) for Teta
areas that were simply painted or spackled to continue the excellent track record that had Chi International Headquarters. An LEC visits
over to cover years of wear and tear. Tey been established. Teta Chi chapters to help them work through
will also be replacing the “tile” foor in front As an undergraduate, Tom held the FAIN, continued on page 4
of the back door that has deteriorated every
winter since it was put in. Te new foor will Several House Renovations Underway
be more resistant to that sort of thing. Tey
DECKER, continued on page 4 ometimes what’s old is what’s new. Tis year has seen incredible changes to the appearance of
Sthe chapter house. All of the changes look to keep the charm and historical element of old 315
S. Madison intact. Some of these changes are still ongoing as the scope of renovations has really
ramped up. In the spring edition of Te 315 Connection, it was stated that the fnal infrastructure
project, the plumbing, was being considered. Tat project is now complete. Although some minor
adjustments will still happen in time, we now have a
good working plumbing system. Coupled with the
electrical upgrade and foundation work in previous
years, the house should be in the best shape it’s been
in decades.
Tat still leaves the appearance, which anyone
who has been to the house in the last generation,
knows it has been in tough shape. Tanks to the
generosity of our donors, the House Corporation has
been able to deploy over $30,000 in funds to make
the house a better place.
Wherever possible, we have looked to our past
to create our future. On the third foor, the room to
the right has been converted to a boardroom with
a conference table and chairs. Te foor has been
Te third foor is the frst of many summer stripped down to its original wood and the walls and
renovations to the appearance of the chapter house.
HOUSE, continued on page 3
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