Page 4 - 315 Connection Fall 2013
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FAIN, continued from page 1 Tom double majored in
their problems and develop into business management and Remembering Ma Jones
better-functioning chapters. Tom psychology. He now works as a here are so many warm
was responsible for the Northeast mortgage banker for Quicken Tmemories of Ma Jones that it’s
Region. Loans, where he was initially hard to choose one. She was always
“I had been to a lot of contacted by a recruiter who had available with a listening ear and
conferences as an undergraduate,” seen his résumé online. She had wise advice, if it was sought. She
he said. “I was really familiar with served her sorority as an LEC had a couch in her living room
all the people there at headquarters. equivalent. (which was later converted into
Tat was really the starting point “Tere was an immediate the house kitchen) and it ofered
with everything. Te transition connection with the recruiter,” that fuzzy efect to our visits. My
own personal remembrance was
we were going through nationally Tom said. “She said, ‘Look, if you when I had been accepted to med
was, at that point in time, trying to did this for a year, you’ll have no school over Tanksgiving, but had
implement alcohol-free housing. problem doing this job.’” to keep up both the seventh and
It was met with a lot of resistance He is grateful for the eighth semester grades or lose my
from our chapter and nationally. I opportunities the Fraternity spot. So, this was a vital time.
thought that I had a lot of good aforded him. Te house had the entire
experience from the transition “Looking back on it, I had a addition as a dormer and the personal rooms were mostly on the
Zeta Beta went through. I thought great four years of college,” Tom second foor with the bathrooms. When I was a pledge I used to bath
I would be useful and be able to said. “I wouldn’t switch it up for Brandy (our St. Bernard mascot) in there with me in a bathing suit.
Tere were two rooms on the third foor with carpeting on the doors
take that to other chapters given anything I did. Without a doubt, and foors to keep the noise down. But, it didn’t work as the stairway
my experience. I also wanted I gave a lot to the Fraternity and acted as a funnel to all the noise on the bottom two foors. I just
to see some of the country at the Fraternity gave a lot to me. I couldn’t study adequately. (My room was at the top to the right.)
the same time and build some wouldn’t do anything diferently.” I asked Mom Jones if she possibly knew of any (quiet) neighbors
communication skills.” who would rent me a room until after semester break. She promptly
went on her quest and had an answer in two days. Te Waldrons across
the street were both near retirement, and, on her recommendation,
DECKER, continued from page 1 One of my main goals since “rented” me a bedroom with all the needs to study for whatever their
started the project at the end of accepting the position of Chair on increase in electricity usage was monthly. Tey were at the top of their
August. the House Corp. was improvement income tax bracket and didn’t want any more income. Some months
it would be $2, some $5. Tey gave me a key and no house rules—
Tis is the frst of three phases of the house infrastructure and trusting my own judgment as to what was appropriate. Tey had a
of the interior design overhaul the cosmetic appearance and we are daughter away at the University of Wisconsin and we have become
House Corp. is embarking on. on a very good path to getting a lifelong friends. When I practiced medicine in Adrian, we made the
Our goal is to be completed with lot of the necessary and desired old couple honorary grandparents to our kids and were good friends
all three by the beginning of the projects done by the 50th. with them until they both passed away. I was right across the street for
2014-15 school year, in time for Speaking of the 50th, there house activities (I had two pledge sons the last semester, so had plenty
our 50th Anniversary celebration. is a big announcement from the to do).
And, as long as your generous gifts head of our Alumni Association, I feel her help here made the diference in my grades and the
continue to increase as they have, Jim Grissinger ’90, about that fnal path of my life. I kept up with her even when she moved to her
daughter’s in Washington, D.C. and until her death. She was really a
I am confdent we will hit that celebration. Tis will no doubt be peach!
mark. a wonderful event and I can’t wait
We are also completing a for the rest of you to get as excited -- Rev. Dr. Terrance A. Robinson ’66
redesign of the third foor rooms. as we are.
You’re most likely aware that I’d like to thank all of you
those rooms are unavailable for for your continued support of the
housing anymore. Te Board House Corp’s visions and goals MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW!!
came to a decision earlier this year over the last several years and urge
that the room facing campus will you to be even more active in the
be converted into a boardroom everyday goings on of not only OFF-CAMPUS
that will be used for committee our board, but the undergraduate Golf Outing – September 14 at 10 a.m.
meetings and quiet discussions brothers as well. We are always Legacy Golf Course, Ottawa Lake, MI
that are better suited away from open to suggestions and discussion
the library. Te room facing the on any of our matters and invite ON CAMPUS
parking lot will be turned into you to share your ideas with us. Homecoming Weekend 2013 – September 20-22
a ritual room that will house
all of our private materials. Te Most fraternal regards, Founder’s Day Weekend 2014 – April 11-13
expected fnish time on both
of those is late this fall, but our Homecoming Weekend 2014 – October 4-5
Facilities Chair, Greg Wicking Joseph L. Decker ’05
’86, is working hard to get them Chair, Zeta Beta House Corp 50th Anniversary Celebration – October 23-26, 2014
done by Homecoming, if possible.

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