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Alumni news

Zeta Beta Honored With Historic Win

his summer, Zeta Beta became only the third chapter in Teta Chi history to win the
THoward R. Alter, Jr. Award for Chapter Excellence fve consecutive years. Te Alter
Award is the highest honor that can be bestowed on an active chapter. Te other chapters to
win at least fve years in a row are Alpha Phi/Alabama (fve times) and Iota Beta/Missouri
State (nine times). Tis is the seventh overall victory for the chapter, having previously won
in 2000, 2003, and 2009 thru 2013.
Te application for the award is broken into 12 areas of chapter operations. A chapter
must excel in each of these areas to be considered for the award.
“Every year we try to make ourselves better,” said chapter president Josh Luellen ’13.
“We thrive for better grades, more guys, and more community service hours. Sure, our
numbers are good, but we want to be great. It’s really all up to us.”
It’s that type of attitude that pushes the chapter every year.
“It quickly became clear to me that these guys were of high integrity,” complemented
National Marshal Joseph Couch (Chi/Auburn ’96). “Another confrmation of my high
esteem towards Zeta Beta was cemented when I was fortunate enough to represent the
Grand Chapter at the Adrian MYLC in January 2012. From the second (they) picked me up
Brothers Noah Beyer ’16 (second from left), Riley Brooks ’14 (middle),
and Joel Wendland ’96 (second from right), were present to accept at the airport until the weekend was over, the brothers made me feel like one of their own.
Zeta Beta’s ffth consecutive Howard R. Alter, Jr. Award for Chapter I instantly felt at home when I stepped into their chapter house. Tey just have ‘it’ - those
Excellence during this summer’s Initiative Academy in Indianapolis. little nuances that are not easily defned.”
Alumni News 50th Anniversary Dates Announced!

By Jim Grissinger ’90
Mike “Moose” Pennington ’81 passed away on Chair, Alumni Association
July 19 at the Alamo Nursing Home in Kalamazoo, n an efort to have a more are being used for Homecoming,
Michigan after battling MS for 29 years. He was Ihistorically signifcant event and the best option would have been a
54. Mike worked as a restaurant manager at several avoid many of the challenges of VIP tent in either the side yard or
locations before retiring in 1986 due to his illness. Homecoming Weekend, the 50th parking lot. Both of these options
He was an avid coin collector and loved listening Anniversary Committee has chosen have negatives associated with them,
to the Beatles and Rolling Stones. the weekend of October 23-26, such as further limiting parking,
2014 as the ofcial celebration which is already at a premium and
Brad Vance ’98 received a Master’s degree in industrial distribution weekend. would increase the costs of the event
from Texas A&M University on May 11. He In years past, we have always by several thousand dollars.
graduated with a 4.0 GPA, was inducted into held the fve-year anniversary Te committee recognized
two honor societies (Sigma Delta and Phi Kappa celebrations on Homecoming some alumni will have to
Phi), and served as Class Ombudsman. Vance Weekend and, while Homecoming make choices in coming back
also accepted a position with Epicor Software as a has served us well, there have for Homecoming or the 50th
senior business process consultant. also been some distractions and anniversary. While this might be a
difculties with that weekend as concern for some, moving the date
Bartosch Appointed to Board there are so many activities going not only allows for more fexibility,
on campus. In addition, this is the it also will allow us to better control
Greg Bartosch ’11 was recently appointed to the 50th! It should be diferent than all costs and create an environment
House Corporation. He will serve as Chair, Annual the other events we have done up to where we will have much more
Campaign, taking over for Rob Magyar ’10. Greg this point. control of our schedule. With the
has volunteered his time and eforts to the Board When we looked at continuing added fexibility, the committee has
over the past two years in various capacities. In his to hold the events on Homecoming started to look at new events for
new role, Greg will be responsible for spearheading Weekend, we began to see a lot of the weekend. Tose events will be
the Annual Campaign, a phone-a-thon held in difculties. Te frst issue is room announced in the many marketing
November. It is the Board’s main fundraising efort throughout availability on campus. We have pieces you can look forward to over
the year. “Teta Chi has given me so much and I’ve always felt simply outgrown the Lorain County the next 14 months.
compelled to give back to the Fraternity,” Greg stated. “I’m excited Country Club. We were packed in For all these reasons and more,
to help the current and future active brothers the same way so for the 45th with only 146 people. it was the decision of the committee
many great alumni helped me along the way not too long ago.” In Given this is the 50th; we expect at to recommend we move the dates of
addition to serving on the Board, Greg is working as a Consumer least 200 in attendance, so we have the 50th to October 23-26, 2014.
Marketing Coordinator at Michigan International Speedway. He to fnd a diferent location. Because Please let me know if you have any
recently moved to Adrian after working at Richmond International there is no space in the City of Adrian questions or concerns about this
Raceway in Virginia. to accommodate the size of our discussion. I can be reached at jim.
group and all facilities on campus
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