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Fall 2015 | Alumni Relations Office | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 | 770-903-3987

      From the                                AlumniSpotlight: Gregory R. Thompson ’78

Alumni Board                                  Editor’s Note: For this

Dear Fraters, edition of the newsletter
                                     we’re shining the

It’s fall in Columbus                         Spotlight on Frater Greg
  again – a great time                        Thompson ’78. From the
to be a Buckeye and                           hometown of Springfield,
a great time for TKE                          OH, Greg developed
                                              an early passion for
Omicron. As I write this, architecture and design.
the football Buckeyes have advanced to As an active he served

8-0 with an impressive 49-7 victory over the chapter as President,
                                              Kitchen Manager, and
Rutgers. (UPDATE: Well, we lost a game.
Hopefully we can plan a trip to the B1G       strove to maintain the
championship in Indy during the 2016
season). If you haven’t been following        unique beauty of the house.   Cindy and Greg at Homecoming 2015.
too closely – this season’s theme for the     After discovering a talent
team is “The Grind.”
                                              for glass art, Greg opened his own business, GRT Glass Design. Today, he continues to volunteer at the house
  To me, this translates to knowing your
                                              and is currently in the process of replacing windows and general repair – we truly appreciate his help! Greg

                                              and his wife, Cindy, have been married for twenty years now. They share two sons, Ross (31), and David (36).

role and delivering on it, again and again.

For TKE, this has some obvious parallels.

To be the best chapter we can be, each

collegiate member and each alumnus

needs to know their role and deliver on it.

Some of our members are recruiters, some

are leaders, some volunteer, and some are

scholars. As an alumnus, your role is to be

a recruiter, a mentor, a donor, or a leader.                               Special thanks to our Spotlight for the window repairs.

Be a recruiter by bringing fellow alums to

an event, or getting them connected with What led you to join the chapter?                              and dedication that she had for the young men

our social media. Be a mentor by getting      The first time I walked up to the TKE house,              in the house.
involved as an advisor. Be a donor by         as an Architect major, I fell in love with the
contributing to the annual fund, and be a     house. It was really a spur of the moment                 How did you come to repair one of the
                                              decision to join. I have never regretted it as in         medallion windows at the house?
           President (Continued on Page 4)    changed my life path forever.                             We were hosting a great event at the house one
                                                                                                        night and had a few party crashers. We were always

Congratulations!                                                 Do you have any favorite               aware of who wasn’t supposed to be there, and we
                                                                 memories from being an active?         kicked them out. Next thing I know, we had a rock
Frater Murphy with PGP’s Lon Justice  Frater Tim Murphy                                                 thrown through one of our medallion windows.
and Bill Muse looking on.             ’85 was awarded TKE’s      Wow, there are so many I don’t know    I told the guys not to worry about and that I would
                                      Order of the Golden        where to start. From becoming an       take care of it. I went to German Village and found
      TKE TKE                         Eagle at Conclave in       active, being President of the house,  help at Franklin Art Glass. They told me what
                                      August. Frater Murphy      and even installing deadbolts on the   I needed, and told me how to repair the window.
                                      is the third Omicron       doors for every Frater, there are so   I came back to the house that afternoon and took
                                      alumnus to win this        many good memories. I was fortunate    the window out and repaired it and put it back
                                      prestigous award, joining  to be Kitchen Manager and to become    in the same day. The next story board I did for
                                      fellow Past Grand          lifelong friends with the cook, Emma.  Architecture School was on stained glass.
                                      Prytani Robert Borel       She taught me about shopping and
                                      and Gary LaBranche.        how to save the house money. I was     Is this when you discovered a passion
                                      Congratulations Frater,    always going to the Wonder Bread       for art glass?
                                      we are proud of you!
                                                                 “day old” store. She was a good friend Yes, and soon after I was making glass pieces
                                          TKE TKE
                                                                 up until the day she passed away. for fraternity brothers, my mom, and my

                                                                 I always remember her, and the love    Thompson (Continued on Page 4)

                                                                 TKE TKE TKE
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