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             Message from the                      been renovated; and new

          Prytanis                                 chandeliers have been installed

       Hello, Alumni! Autumn                       in the dining room. This is all
                        semester is well
                   underway here at The Ohio       thanks to your support! We are
State University and I am proud to inform you
that the Omicron Chapter has already taken         excited to see the house take
some big strides this year. The chapter is
currently standing strong at 105 active members    a step back towards its glory
and has a new member class of 12 men. We
are in pursuit of the Top TKE award and have       days. Our next big project       Active Chapter members after winning a sand volleyball tournament
already taken pivotal steps toward that goal.      will be to replace the boiler –  earlier this year. The volleyball tournament was held to raise money for
  Throughout the summer and into this fall, we     please let me know if you can    the Wounded Warriors program.
have made a number of house improvements
and repairs. We had new windows installed          be of assistance.
by Frater Greg Thompson ’78; new copper
and aluminum gutters and downspouts have           At the beginning of the semester we set out to On behalf of the Fraternity, I want to say
been installed; masonry work was done to the
balcony; the slate patio in front of the house     host a night of comedy and philanthropy event that your support has been instrumental in our
has been repaired; the women’s restroom has
                                                   for Frater Austin Beggin. Austin suffered a chapter’s success and to send a sincere thank

                                                   devastating break to his C3 and C4 vertebrae while you to all of the Alumni that have continued

                                                   swimming in the ocean this past summer. The to contribute to our fraternity over the years. I

                                                   event took place at Shadowbox Live in downtown wish you all the best and hope that you will be

                                                   Columbus and was one of our most successful able to come back to see us in the near future.

                                                   philanthropy events yet. If you would like to        Yours in the Bond,
                                                   make a contribution to this cause, you can do so at


                                                   Please put “Austin Beggin Fund” in the Joe Rolander

                                                   note section.                                        #0-2264

Chapter Spotlight: Nathan P. Fackler

Editor’s Note: Representing the chapter as Spotlight is
TKE legacy and past Hypophetes, Nate Fackler. From the
hometown of Loveland, OH, Nate is working on his degree in
Neuroscience and is scheduled to graduate in May of next year.
He is currently in the application process for medical school and
recently completed the MCAT. Nate is also active on campus in
Club Volleyball, Med Life, and as a Pre-Med Fraternity Alpha
Epsilon Delta member. A summer internship at the Cleveland
Clinic in the Ophthalmology department has helped to secure
Nate’s enthusiasm for a future career in the medical industry.

What led you to join Omicron?                      we have been in diapers and we all share our         Nate and Gabe at the Cleveland Clinic.

  When I got to Ohio State I started looking       grandfather as a common role model. Joining          When did you discover a passion for
for a group of guys that I could really relate to  TKE has only strengthened the bond that we           Neuroscience?
that would help me in my growth throughout         all share. I really enjoy being able to spend
my college career. With so many Tekes in my        hours talking about our fraternity with my             I have always enjoyed knowing how and
family, I wanted to check out the house and see    cousins and more specifically my grandfather         why things work. When I was choosing a major
if these were the right guys for me. After being   because he is an Omicron as well.                    I wanted to pick one that incorporated both the
shown around by my hometown
friend Robby Mulvey, I decided                                                                                how and why with medicine. Once I went
that TKE was the fraternity for me.                                                                           to my first neuro lecture I was hooked
I felt at home after the first visit,                                                                         and now with each new class that I take
and I still feel that way to this day.                                                                        I’m becoming more and more interested.
                                                                                                              Being a Neuroscience major has also
                                                                                                              given me the opportunity to do research

How has becoming a TKE                                                                                  in one of the fastest growing fields of
strengthened your relationship                                                                          science, which I enjoy thoroughly.

with the TKEs in your family?                                                                           What type of work have you done to

My relationship with the TKEs                                                                           prepare for med school?

in my family has always been        Nate spiking the ball after his cousin Michael Nock (BGSU TKE)        Outside of studying for the MCAT
incredibly strong. My cousins       set it up, Photo taken at Hilton Head this past summer.             and keeping up my GPA I have been
and I have been best friends since                                                                      involved in many community service

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