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TKE TKE          NeTKwE s                              TKE  TKE TKE TKE TKE


                 The Roast of Greek Life by Ben Georgin

                 The Roast                             purpose of the event was to raise money
                         of Greek                      for Austin Beggin ’15 who recently broke
                         Life                          his C3 and C4 vertebrae after diving into
                 was a joint                           shallow water on a family vacation to
                                                       celebrate his graduation from Ohio State
                 philanthropy                          just a few weeks prior. All proceeds went to
                                                       supporting Austin and his family as he works
                 event organized                       hard in his struggle to recover. Will Hinman
                                                       led the efforts for the philanthropy event
                 by the brothers                       and was assisted by several other members
                                                       from the chapter, including Dashon Bates
                 of Tau Kappa                          and David Desenberg, two of Austin’s best
                                                       friends from back home.
                 Epsilon  at                                                                            Ladies of Delta Gamma and Pi Beta Phi perform on stage.
                                                         The event went spectacularly; through
                 ShadowBox                             fundraising efforts both within the chapter   will be used to purchase a handicap accessible
                                                       and in the Greek Community, we were able to   van for Austin. We are holding a formal event
                 Live, an upscale                      raise $14,328 for Austin’s family. The funds  at the Ohio Union when Austin and his family
                                                                                                     are back in Columbus to present the check to
Austin last      theater in the                                                                      them. We are extremely proud of him and
                                                                                                     wish him the best in his recovery.
holiday season.  Brewery district

                 just south of

downtown Columbus. The show featured

the best and worst of fraternity and sorority

members in the Greek community. The

                                                            With Our Alumni

projects and internships to help me prepare for        Robert Rankin ’51 has a first great grand      to thank him for his help making repairs
medical school. While working my internship            baby due in October.                           around the house and donating furniture. He
this summer at the Cleveland Clinic, I got to                                                         owns and operates a vinyl record store in
assist physicians in community service projects        Warren Hickmott ’62 retired in 1991 after      Columbus - check out his website at http://
in rural Cleveland. The impact we made on              30 years of working in management.    Quite a collection!
these people reminded me why I’m getting
into medicine in the first place: to help others.      Do you like vinyl? Frater Alan Sheppard              Have Alumni News?
I plan on carrying over this same attitude of hard     ’08, father of Nat Sheppard ’09, was
work and helping others into medical school and        made an honorary initiate of the chapter
throughout the rest of my career as a physician.
                                                           Connect with Omicron                       We want to hear from you! Send your
  One of the many things that we did was work                                                         personal updates, accomplishments,
with a program called the Special Abilities                    Facebook at: TKE Omicron               adventures, and photos to our Account
Program. Volunteers from the internship were             Manager Kasey Breedlove at kbreedlove@
paired one-on-one with students with learning                                               , or simply fill out the
disabilities to help integrate them into the hospital             Visit our alumni site at:           tear-away form at the bottom of your cover
and build friendships with people outside of their         letter and return it in the mail. We want to
normal social circle. Gabe and I (pictured left)                                                      share it in the next issue of The Lamppost!
were recognized as the top pairing in the buddy
system and we are still in contact to this day.                                   A. Richard          II, when he was drafted into the U.S. Army.
                                                                                  “Dick” Brindley     He proudly served in the 97th Trident
Outside of school what you do for fun?                                            ’46 passed away     Infantry Division in both the European
                                                                                  in June at the age  and Pacific Theatres. Dick served the
  One of my favorite ways to de-stress after a                                    of 90. He began     Barberton School System from 1950 to
long day is through playing sports. I play on                                     his college career  1982 as a teacher, guidance counselor and
most intramural teams and I used to play on                                       at Ohio State       Assistant Superintendent of Personnel and
the club volleyball team for Ohio State. Lifting                                  and finished it at  Special/Federal Programs. Richard was
and running are also good ways from me to get          The University of Akron where he was           an avid gardener who enjoyed sharing his
my mind off of things. Outside of being active         a charter organizer of the TKE chapter.        delicious produce with family, friends and
I really enjoy exploring the city of Columbus.         This is where he met his wife, June. His       neighbors. Dick, you will be missed, but
There are a ton of cool restaurants and art            education was interrupted by World War         never forgotten.
galleries in the downtown area of Columbus that
go unnoticed by students and I want to soak up as      TKE TKE TKE TKE TKE
much of that as I can while I’m here.

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