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Thompson (Continued from Page 1)

college girlfriend. Frater Frank Pollifrone of the Union Station in Indianapolis. He made

’78 still has the piece that I created today. a round frame out of white oak with a natural

In the 70’s there was a huge resurgence finish. We presented the gift to the President the                        Greg and Ben Georgin,
of the glass art craft and I fell right into it. next day, and he loved it so much he had it sent                 the biggest helper to
I left college during my mid-junior year to work to his ranch in California. The ranch was trimmed                coordinate redoing some of
as a project manager for a construction company. in white oak with a natural finish too. On a side the windows at the house.

Within two years I began working in art glass for   note…I was also able to get some of the windows               I am currently training
myself full-time. I bought a huge air compressor    repaired before the main event.                               for a race in November.
(so I thought) at the time and started etching and                                                                My sons have grown
carving glass. I was finally in control of what I   Did you ever hear about the gift again?                       up and are active
did. Wow, talk about a                                                                                            contributing members
rush! I got to do what                                                         In 1997, we sent                   to society. David, 36, Frater Georgin assisting
I truly loved and made                                                         the photograph of                  and Ross, 31, are a with the repairs
money at it.                                                                   the presentation to                blast to have around. I
                                                                               President Reagan for a             just gave up teaching spin classes and being a
When did your                                                                  signature. He sent a nice          boot camp instructor in order to concentrate on
skills call you back                                                           note back, thanking us,            running.
to the TKE house?                                                              and he remembered the
                                                                               event. He truly was a

My wife and I had          Greg with fellow Fraters President Reagan and John Bretz.    man that was extremely    How do you share your trade outside
just been discussing                                                                    personable and bold at    of the U.S.?
how creating a gift for                                                                 the same time. He had
the President would                                                                     an interview around       I have been fortunate to do work on mission trips
be really cool…                                                                         this time and, as I like  to Kenya and the last time I was there I did stained
and the opportunity                                                                     to tell the story, he     glass for a church in Kericho. The friends made
presented itself within                                                                 couldn’t remember         during these trips will last a lifetime and beyond.
two days! I received a                                                                  Nancy, but those Tekes,
phone call one Friday                                                                   ah those Tekes made       What advice can you give the Alumni
in 1984 from a TKE                                                                      him a sculpture of the    and young actives about pursuing
Frater asking if I could                                                                Presidential Seal and     their passions?
hurry over and repair the                                                             he did remember that.
                                                                                                                  You only have one lifetime to enjoy your
windows in the house. The President of the United   What type of projects do you work on today?                   passions. If you do, it won’t be work at all. As
States was coming for lunch that Tuesday. I said                                                                  for the Alumni, please help make this house
“Sure. Not a problem, I love challenges.” The       We are truly blessed to work on art glass projects            beautiful again. I so enjoy the guys and to see how
luncheon had been arranged by Gary LaBranche        all over the world. Right now we have specialty               much they care about the house. Ben Georgin
’81 with National, active members John Bretz        glass going into hospitals in Arizona and Florida;            and Will Hinman have been so diligent in
’85 and Mark Wellman ’82, and the White             at Marathon Oil in Finley, OH; and at the beloved             supplying me with helpers, and Ben has learned
House advance team. I asked what type of gift       TKE house at The Ohio State University. Prior                 a few things about stained glass along the way.
the chapter house was giving the President and      Art Glass projects have been done at IU, Purdue,              Please get involved and help everyone take care
they said “maybe a TKE T-Shirt and an apron.”       Michigan University, and tons of others.                      of this fine architectural structure.

I offered to make a sculpture of the Presidential   Outside of work, what do you do for fun?                      A recent glass stair tread and railing project of Greg’s.
Seal. After purchasing a piece of round glass the
work began. We brought the piece over first thing   I love spending time with my wife Cindy
on Monday to show the advance team from the         and working on things around the house
White House. They liked it so much that they        and mini farm. We have seven chickens
said we would personally get to present the piece   right that supply us with plenty of fresh
to the President. A frame was needed, and I had     eggs. Other than that, I love running short
a friend in Columbus who had worked with me         distance marathons. I prefer 13.1 as a race
doing incredible wood work for the restoration      but have done the Marine Corps Marathon.

President know the house is still not restored to the us in thanking Greg Thompson ’78 – and
                        (Continued from Page 1) same conditions that you remember. The take action. Do your part to help keep TKE
leader in your family life or career.               grind continues – we are making progress on top at Ohio State. And Go Bucks!

  We had a very successful Alumni event on scheduling the installation of a new boiler                            Yours in the Bond,
this year, but we can do even better next during this upcoming winter break, but we
year. For our Alumni since 2000, we thought need your support to see this project through
the house looked as good as ever that night. and start to focus on the next one. Enjoy the
For our Alumni from the 80’s and 90’s, we newsletter – read more about homecoming,                                Nat Sheppard ’09
                                           learn about our brother Austin Beggin, join                            Alumni Association President
                                                                                                                  Omicron Board of Control
                                       TKE TKE

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