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Alpha Nus

Alpha Nu Building Association of Theta Chi, Inc. | Spring 2011 | Georgia Institute of Technology
Alumni Offce | P.O. Box 80828, Atlanta, Georgia 30366 |

Chapter Update

By Michael Johnston AN 1486, Chapter President

ith the end of another academic year, the undergraduate brothers
In This Issue: Wof Alpha Nu can look back on the progress we have made with
Chapter Update ............... 1 a sense of accomplishment. We have been able to achieve much of
what we set out to do in all aspects of chapter operations. We have
Roll Call Challenge ......... 1 continued to improve as a chapter academically and have maintained

Collegiate Spotlight ........ 2 a large presence through our continued efforts to be involved on
campus. Due to our efforts to recruit more and better men, we have,
Alumni News .................. 3 over the past year, grown to become one of the largest fraternities on
Save the Date Info ........... 3 campus. As always, we have continued to lend the Helping Hand
making philanthropy a focus of what we do here at Alpha Nu.
Chapter Eternal ............... 4 One aspect of life in Alpha Nu that has changed considerably
this year is our involvement with other chapters of Theta Chi and the
International Fraternity. We were lucky enough to have the Grand
Chapter visit us this year, giving the brothers an opportunity to
meet and discuss Theta Chi with the men who are guiding our National Brotherhood. As a result of our
continued progress, our chapter has become a leader and representative of Theta Chi in the southeast. This
last semester we were able to help expand our national brotherhood by having several brothers participate
in the installment of a new chapter at Georgia College and State University and represent Theta Chi in a
successful attempt to get permission to recolonize at University of Alabama Birmingham.
The end of a successful year also means its time to start looking forward to the fall, and of course
football season. While it may be a building season for the Jackets after losing quarterback Josh Nesbitt,
the spring game showed some real promise. The defense seems to have settled into Defensive Coordinator
Al Groh’s new system and it looks to be a tossup as to who will be starting at quarterback. It should be a
great season with some of the biggest games here at Bobby Dodd including Clemson, VT, and Georgia.
Half of the Game Day experience is the tailgate and, as always, the undergraduate brothers of Alpha
Nu would be glad to have you stop by. Tailgates at the house are an all day event and it would be great if
we could continue and even grow the number of Alumni Brothers who comeback to the house on game
day. Your support as alumni is what allows the chapter to thrive, so feel free to drop by any time. You are
always welcome here at Alpha Nu.

Georgia Tech Roll Call Greek Alumni Challenge

By Kevin P. Murray ’90
he Georgia Tech Alumni Association has issued a Challenge All gifts to Theta Chi will be awarded to the Alpha Nu Building
Tto Greek Alumni in conjunction with the 64th Annual Roll Call Association and used in our chapter house maintenance fund and
Campaign. Many Theta Chi Alumni Brothers give annually to Roll alumni communication efforts.
Call which is the largest source of unrestricted funds used to support This is a Challenge that Theta Chi should win! Every gift, no
the academic mission of Georgia Tech. This year the “Greek Alumni matter the size, helps Theta Chi push towards frst place. The ANBA
Challenge” will award a cash gift to the top 3 fraternities and sororities Board has endorsed giving to Roll Call and we hope that ALL Alumni
that have the highest percentage of alumni participation. Fraternities Brothers will make a gift to beneft Theta Chi in the Greek Challenge.
and Sororities will be ranked separately and the chapters with the Gifts must be made on or before June 30, 2011 to count towards the
highest participation rate of Alumni (not total dollar giving) will Challenge. If you have made a gift to the 64th Roll Call, we thank you!
receive the following cash gift: For more information, to make your Roll Call gift today and to see
where Theta Chi ranks in the Greek Challenge please go to:
1 Place $5,000
2 Place $2,500
3 Place $1,000 or call the Roll Call Offce at the GT Alumni Association
at 404-894-0756 or 1-800-GT-ALUMS
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