Page 4 - Alpha Nus Spring 2011
P. 4
Alpha Nus

Newly Initiated Brothers
Alumni News Austin Averett of Milton, GA - MGT

Chase Randolph of Center Valley, PA - IE
Elwyn Powell ’53 - Retired 7 years ago after practicing architecture Zach Jordan of Cumming, GA - ID
and structural engineering for 50 years. Married, 3 children. Dalton Clark of Dallas, GA - ME

Roy Fair ’56 - Grandson graduated from Air Force Academy on May Stan Stevens of Lawrenceville, GA - ME
25, 2010; going on to pilot training. Granddaughter is a Deans List Patrick Farrell of Kentwood, MI - AE
junior at GA Tech in Chem & Biomolecular Eng. Already has job Greg Klingshirn of Peachtree City, GA - ID
Donald Gehring ’60 - I’m serving as the National Vice President
of the Fraternity and, although retired, I continue to publish, speak LEAVE A LEGACY!
and do consulting and expert witness testimony on topics of college
and university administration. I recently served as a consultant to the Consider a lasting gift that will support Theta Chi long after
Student Affairs Division at Tech on their campus judicial code. you are gone. By including Alpha Nu in your estate plans
you ensure the long-term health and success of our fraternity.
James McEachern ’82 - Theta Chi News: Now Serving as Secretary
of the Norwich Housing Corporation BOD. Most common ways to include Alpha Nu are through your
will or life insurance. For more information contact Kevin
F. Turner Plunkett ’82 - Left Honeywell after a 25 year career and Murray ’90 at
joined old friends at Shaw Industries in Oct 2007. Now living in
Dalton, GA. **This information is not presented as legal or tax advice.
Always consult your advisors for questions you may have.**
BJ Van Gundy ’86 - Was fying high when he was re-elected 2nd
Vice Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party on 5/14/2011; two
days later he was slapped back down when the Georgia Supreme
Court came out with a decision that the Georgia Charter School Save the Date
Commission, where he is one of seven commissioners, was declared
to be unconstitutional. November 12-14 Alumni Camping Trip
September 1 Western Carolina
Have an interesting story about an Alumni, event, reunion, September 17 Kansas
photos? Let us know what you have been up to!
Send to BJ Van Gundy at September 24 North Carolina
October 8 Maryland
October 29 Clemson

Chapter Eternal November 10 Virginia Tech
November 26 Georgia

Robert Benneche ’46
Paul Chubb ’50 Pledge Class of 1981: Bring it on!
ast fall, the Greatest Pledge Class to EVER grace the halls of
James Mauldin ’53 LTheta Chi, anywhere, celebrated their 30th Pledge Class reunion
Pat Orear ’53 the week of Homecoming 2010. They came from all corners of

Frank Osteen ’53 the earth (and Australia). Days of golf (the Bobby Jones staff had
forgotten which of us were banned for life) and nights of partying like
Stuart Spradley ’53 it was 1999... check that... 1980... (Henderson fell asleep in Licata's
Lawrence Crawford ’58 backyard marveling at the completely different star formations of the
Northern Hemisphere) it was a week to remember... or not. It is really
Frank Ryder ’64 too bad that until 2020, there will likely not be another celebration of
brotherhood like it... given the fact that all following pledge classes
Joseph Pattillo ’65 were lame by comparison.

Respectfully submitted on behalf of the 1980 Pledge Class by Gundy.

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