Page 1 - Lambda Feasibilty Study Brochure
P. 1
Preparing to Restore

Our Legacy

Feasibility Brochure ? Pi Kappa Phi ? Lambda Chapter ? University of Georgia

Lambda Chapter

Alumni Relations
P.O. Box 80828
Atlanta, Georgia 30366

770-903-3988 (Fax)

Dear Brothers, Group, a professional fundraising organization
Accordingly, we have contracted with The Laurus
specializing in fraternal organizations, to conduct a
All of us who are blessed to be a part of the Lambda feasibility study exploring the potential to successfully
Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi share a special connection. raise the money needed to make these improvements
We spent multiple years immersed in the unique UGA to our house. The results of the study will help guide
experience. Many of us spent some of those years the Board in the appropriate direction. We are excited
?KF living in the Chapter House. Along this journey we about the potential to signifcantly strengthen our
enjoyed the friendship, camaraderie and brotherhood fraternity, but we need to hear from you, our alumni
base. In order to be successful, we need your input!
that only living in the Chapter House could provide.
Enclosed you will fnd a feasibility
The Lambda Chapter has con-
tinued to thrive, and today there are
complete and return it by the date
about 100 undergraduate members. “In order survey. Please take a moment to
They have a strong track record of to be indicated on the survey.
academic, athletic and philanthropic Your feedback will allow us to
In This Issue: achievement. They’re always on successful, formulate a plan that will be of the
the lookout to recruit the best men
greatest beneft to our Chapter. We are
for membership to continue the optimistic that the bond of brotherhood
Feasibility Introduction ......1 Lambda Chapter legacy. we need will reach across the years and inspire
Why Conduct you to enable us to transform our existing
One of the current challenges in
a Feasibility Study ...............2 recruiting members is the current your input.” chapter house into a frst class facility that
What We’re Proposing ........2 Chapter House. As campus living will serve our Brothers for years to come.
Volunteer Opportunities ......3 amenities get better and better, we have to remain On behalf of the Lambda House Corporation, we
competitive. In addition to only housing 18 Brothers, thank you in advance for taking the time to fll out this
Project Timeline ..................3 the current house doesn’t have a fully functional survey. It is vital that we hear from everyone in order
Chapter Update ...................4 kitchen, nor is it the most inviting of living situations. for us to chart the way forward. If you know of others
Our desire is twofold: First, to increase the number who have not received this information, please let us
of live-in Brothers by constructing a two-story know so we can update our database and get one out
addition off the back of the house that would also to them! We are counting on you.
include a designated recreation area on the frst foor. Fraternally,
Second is to drastically improve the existing living
spaces so that Lambda has a house representative of
its legacy at UGA. Scott A. Beaver C’98
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