Page 3 - Lambda Feasibilty Study Brochure
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How Can I Get Involved?

his new project presents many opportunities for our alumni, from a variety of eras, to
Tvolunteer and support this new initiative. Please review all of the opportunities presented
here, and note on your Feasibility Survey if you are interested in volunteering – we welcome
and need your experience, expertise, and involvement!

Housing Initiative and Building Committee
Oversight of our building efforts will be crucial as we complete the project
and ensure structural longevity. Alumni who have expertise in contract
negotiation, project management, construction, property management,
and real estate development are welcome to get involved. If you are not
able to devote the full time amount but are willing to be an as-needed
consultant, please let us know that, as well. Time commitment: 8-10

?KF Represent your pledge class and join the other Lambda alumni
Campaign Volunteer Solicitor
volunteers! These Brothers will be charged with selecting around 10-15
fellow Pi Kapps from their era to keep in touch with, gather information
from, share news of upcoming events and activities, and ask Brothers
to support the campaign. During the campaign, volunteers will inform
their team of the latest campaign-related progress. Time commitment:
1-3 hours/month.

Alumni Advisement Committee
Connect directly with the undergraduate Brothers! We need your help
to serve as one of our chapter advisors. Set an example and create a
lasting impact on the professional and personal development of our
undergraduate Brothers by serving as a link between the chapter, UGA,
and the Pi Kappa Phi national organization.

Project Timeline

May April January
October 2014 2015 2016
March April November Fall
2014 2015 2015 2016

Campaign Public Kick-Off Construction
Feasibility Begins Event/ Begins
Study Begins Groundbreaking
Feasibility 100th Campaign Chapter
Study Ends Anniversary Ends Moves In
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