Page 2 - Lambda Feasibilty Study Brochure
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Why Conduct a Feasibility Study?

any graduates may wonder: “Why do The size and scope of changes made to the
M we need to conduct a capital campaign chapter house will be directly related to the
feasibility study?” The answer is simple: just level of support and interest that we receive
because we want to improve our Chapter from our alumni. Keeping the best interest
House doesn’t necessarily mean that we can of the Chapter in mind, the Alumni Board
conduct a successful fundraising campaign. wants to be absolutely sure a project will be
This feasibility study will allow us to fnancially feasible, not only from an initial
accomplish a number of tasks designed to funding perspective, but also in terms of
gauge the potential success of the campaign, sustainable operations over the long-term.
including, but not limited to:
• Determining the overall interest level of
our members and assessing the overall
fraternity experience of alumni from a
broad spectrum of generations.
• Identifying whether we have graduates
with the capacity to make lead and mid-
tier gifts, obtaining their reactions to the
project, and determining if they have
interest in supporting it.
• Educating our alumni on the need for the ?KF
project, the management structure we
will put in place, and the people we will
have involved to ensure success.
• Identifying alumni interested and
willing to help as volunteers throughout
the campaign and on one of the ongoing
• And, most importantly, from all of this
feedback, establishing an achievable
campaign goal.

What We’re Proposing:

NEW Addition
• Approximately 5,200 square feet
• 2nd Floor – 8 Bedrooms (16 additional beds)
• 1st Floor – Common/Recreation Room

Renovation (Existing Building)
• Extensive renovation of existing rooms
• Upgraded TV room, dining, and common areas
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