Page 47 - sm3ai2018
P. 47
光阴荏苒,转眼间三年过去了。 Waking up early to go to school , resting
your head in the bed so late after you finish
感谢你们出现在我的生命里。回首过去的三年,让我感到最 your homework, stressed by school events,
自豪的事情便是成为你们的老师。从数学到物理、化学及生物, you experienced them all . Now, you are
graduating. Congratulations on scripting
在这三年,我们互相陪伴,一起度过。我们有的不仅是师生 the first chapter of your success story. Keep
之情,更是朋友之谊。回忆三年中的点点滴滴,发现有许多珍贵 writing bigger, brighter things. It is not the
的镜头,有价值的记忆。我们一起浪、一起疯、一起狂,一起经 end of a tough journey. It is the beginning
of a beautiful one. During the process, you
毕业在即,校园里的一点一滴都将化作回忆。毕业,不是结 will make mistakes and be wounded many
局,不是散了的宴席。毕业,只是开始,只是旅行新的风情。再 times. Never ever give up, it is just an expe-
见,就是为了别了再相见。只愿你们在未来的日子里,不要忘记 rience which makes you better and wiser. I
hope your dreams take you to the corners of
最后,希望你们不要忘记自己的路,那些洒着汗珠、闪着光 your smiles, to the highest of your hopes, to
彩的路,那些惊心动魄、披荆斩刺的路,那些崎岖不平、备尝艰 the windows of your opportunities, and to
辛的路。。。。。。自己走过的路,是自己最贵重的财富。只有 the most special places your heart has even
记住这些路,才能走好以后的路。希望你们在今后成长的道路 known . May success continually follow you
然。相信未来是光明的,世界是美好的,明天是幸福的。 in all your endeavours. Happy Graduation!