Page 25 - Gateways_Spring2021
P. 25

It’s nice to have some food for

      them to eat if they stop and
      take a break in your yard or
       by your home. This will help

        give them energy to keep
        flying, or to find a place

         and start building a nest.

 M a k e a  S i m p l e B i r d  F e e d er    These bird feeders are easy to make
 Make a Simple Bird Feeder

                   and birds are always attracted to them.
 (A parent-child project)
 ( A pa r e n t - c h i l d p r o j e c t )  After making one, maybe you’ll create more
                 so you can keep observing birds all spring!

                                                               different kinds of birds came to your feeder?
      4 4. .      Spread some of the birdseed          7 7. .      How many birds did you count? How many

              out on a plate in an even layer.
                Roll the sticky tube into the
                                                               Did they sit still and eat, or move around

                                                                to your feeder tube? If so, what were they?
       5 5. .                                                  a lot?  Did other types of animals come

               birdseed until it is coated.

       6 6. .      Hang the feeder tube in or near           Be sure to cut the string, yarn, or ribbon
              a tree or shrub and then settle
                                                                  into smaller pieces before you
              in to see who comes and visits
              for a snack!                                          dispose of it  ; that will help
                                                                       keep all animals safe.

                                                                                      BROOKFIELD ZOO | SPRING 2021  25
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