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Volunteering During                                   animals, event schedules, continuing education opportunities,
                                                                  and volunteer program milestones. The volunteer program
            a Pandemic                                            hosts virtual meetings and celebrations as well.

                                                                     While the Merry Mask Makers made masks, other
            The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily closed Brookfield   volunteers also pitched in. Some prepared materials for future
            Zoo to both the public and volunteers last March, and again   use in Zoo Camp and Play Zoo activities. Others created
            in January and February of 2021. However, the Volunteer   Brookfield Zoo Volunteers’ Nature Walks—currently edited
            Engagement program has remained active, pivoting from   by Mary Martinez and Lisa Bathey—that encourages zoo
            mostly on-site to off-site activities. Last year, volunteers    volunteers to share photographs and essays about experiences
            collectively contributed nearly 25,000 hours to the Chicago   with wildlife and nature during the pandemic.
            Zoological Society and Brookfield Zoo.                     Volunteers spent about 10,600 hours in self-directed
              “Volunteers have remained incredibly engaged and    continuing education last year. They can earn volunteer
            supportive. We didn’t stop communicating with them,”    hours by watching wildlife and nature programming avail-
            said Mezydlo. They continue to receive Mezydlo’s weekly   able on television and online. A favorite has been Brookfield
            emailed newsletter filled with the latest news about zoo
                                                                  Zoo’s “Bringing the Zoo to You” videos. These fascinating
                                                                  and educational presentations—featuring Brookfield Zoo
                                                                  animals and the staff members who care for them—have
                                                                  become a lifeline that connects volunteers to the zoo and
                                                                  the animals they love.
                                                                     When the zoo reopened to the public last July on a
                                                                  limited basis, most volunteers remained off-site. But when
                                                                   shifts opened up for “gazebo greeters” to welcome guests
                                                                  back to the zoo, 80 volunteers donned masks and reported
                                                                  for duty during the summer months.
                                                                     The Chicago Zoological Society and Brookfield Zoo
                                                                  are looking forward to welcoming our volunteers back just
                                                                  in time to celebrate the program’s important 50 anniversary.
                                                                  We are so grateful for all of their hard work and dedication
                                                                  over the years.

                                                                        2010 The Chicago Zoological Society hosted
                                                                        the national conference of the Association of Zoo
                                                                        and Aquarium Docents and Volunteers (AZADV).
                                                                        After three years of planning, Brookfield Zoo
              2007 The giraffe is the animal mascot of the zoo’s        welcomed several hundred volunteers from all over
              volunteer program. A giraffe calf born in 2007 was named   the country for the week-long event. The conference
              Arnieta, in honor of Arnieta Kurtz, the Society’s longest-  included prominent keynote speakers in the field
              serving volunteer at that time. She passed away in 2018   of conservation and trips to local zoos, nature
              with 46 years of volunteer service. A memorial plaque at   centers, and other conservation-related institutions
              the HABITAT AFRICA! water hole marks the special          and museums. CZS volunteers previously hosted
              relationship between our volunteers and our giraffe.      the conference in 2001.

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