Page 6 - Gateways_Spring2021
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News Bites
        N  e  w  s B   i t e s

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        T The latest noteworthy news from around Brookfield Zoo
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        and be y ond the ga t es is righ t a t y our finger tips .
        and beyond the gates is right at your fingertips.

                                                                            Hello, I’m
                                                                            Species: Western gray kangaroo
                                                                           Zoo location: AUSTRALIA
                                                                           Sex: Male
                                                                          Age: 2 years old

                                                                          larger than females
                                                                          Species height: 4.9 to 5.8 feet tall; males are
                                                                          Species weight: Males—up to 121 lbs.;
                                                                         Females—up to 66 lbs.

                                                                         Physical features: Two powerful hind legs;
                                                                         big feet; small forearms; and a long, muscular
                                                                         tail used as a counterbalance; females carry
                                                                        and nurse their young in a pouch on their belly
                                                                        Wild habitat: Open spaces, such as grasslands,
                                                                        open woodlands, scrubland, and farmland in
                                                                        southern Australia and Kangaroo Island
                                                                       Zoo diet: Grass, pellet grain, chopped lettuce
                                                                       cracked corn
                                                                       and romaine, carrots, sweet potatoes, and
                                                                      Conservation status: Least Concern*
                                                                     *According to the International Union for Conservation
                                                                      of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species

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