Page 11 - Annual Report 2022
P. 11
On October 27, 1922, a ground- John McCutcheon, then president
breaking ceremony was held for of the Chicago Zoological Society,
what is now Brookfield Zoo. and Charles Wacker, who headed
October 27 was chosen because it the Chicago Plan Commission.
was the birthday of former President On that day, Wacker said, “What a
Teddy Roosevelt, considered the source of delight and instruction such
country’s leading naturalist at that a place will be to persons of all ages;
time. Brookfield Zoo opened to from the children who can barely
the public in 1934. toddle to the grandparents who will
In 1922, Daniel Ryan, who at take them...We miss half the joy of
the time was president of the Forest life if we do not know nature, and this
Preserve District, made the first dig Zoological Garden will help people
with a spade. Other prominent Chi- to that knowledge.”
cagoans at the ceremony included
Dr. Tom Meehan with animal care specialist Amanda Blunt observing “Margaret” Cock of the Rock.
This February, the Chicago to complete. For months, nearly
Zoological Society completed everyone has been preparing for
and submitted our reaccreditation an upcoming week-long, on-site
application to the Association of inspection of the Zoo by a team of
Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). expert, independent AZA auditors.
The AZA is the main accrediting Senior CZS officials will meet with
body for zoos and aquariums. AZA’s Accreditation Commission this
The application and required fall. Since 1986, Brookfield Zoo has
attachments about the Zoo and successfully passed AZA’s extensive
our programs numbered more and rigorous accreditation process
than 1,000 pages and took a every five years.
team of 34 Zoo staff members
A group of dignitaries look on as Daniel Ryan turns over soil during Brookfield Zoo’s groundbreaking ceremony.