Page 13 - Annual Report 2022
P. 13
Nicor Gas completed the installa- Nicor Gas has provided us with
tion of 15,300 feet (nearly 3 miles) the clean, safe, and reliable natural
of underground gas piping and gas service we need to operate
58 new gas meters throughout the efficiently and maintain critical life
Zoo campus to replace our aging support systems for our animals.
infrastructure. The completion of the The generosity and coopera-
lengthy and challenging project has tion of Nicor Gas were key to the
improved Zoo operations, modern- project’s successful completion.
ized the infrastructure and reliability The Chicago Zoological Society
of the system, and enhanced the values our long and beneficial
experience of our guests. partnership with Nicor Gas and
Natural gas fuels much of the Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency
Brookfield Zoo’s operations, Program, as well as Nicor Gas’ sup-
including more than 70 facilities port of Brookfield Zoo programs.
and Zoo vehicles. For many years,
New lobby in
Discovery Center
Earlier this year, the Discovery Center Celebrations and Dinner with Santa,
building underwent an extensive as well as private celebrations such
interior remodel. The space refresh as weddings and corporate events.
included improvements to lighting, With the beautifully redesigned space,
seating, flooring, as well as beautiful we’re looking forward to welcoming
new artwork. Discovery Center is guests for even more memorable
host to many events throughout events at Brookfield Zoo.
the year, such as our Veterans Day