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Griffin, M. L., Bryan, C., Balmer, B. C., Day, R. D., Gorgone,   Lacy, R. C., Sullivan, S., Zimmerman, D., & Mitchell, S.    Miller, L. J. (2022, July 17-27). Opportunities to thrive   Parsons, M. J., Lin, T. H., Mooney, T. A., Erbe, C., Juanes, F.,
                  A. M., Litz, J., Rowles, T. K., Schwake, L. H., Wells, R.   (2022, November 7-11). Using Outbreak for    [Paper presentation]. International Veterinary Student   Lammers, M., Li, S., Linke, S., Looby, A., Nedelec, S.
                  S., Zolman, E. S., & Cox, T. M. (2022, August 1-5).   modeling infectious disease in wildlife populations    Association Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil.  L., Van Opzeeland, I., Radford, C., Rice, A., Sayigh, L.,
                  Quantifying mercury in the common bottlenose dolphin   [Co-instructor, In-person workshop]. Advanced   Miller, L. J. (2022, July 17-27). Welfare assessment in zoo   Stanley, J., Urban, E., & Di Lorio, L. (2022, July 10-
                  (Tursiops truncatus) in the Southeast, USA [Poster   Training in the Outbreak Software, Musanze, Rwanda.  settings [Paper presentation]. International Veterinary   15). A global library of underwater biological sound:
                  presentation]. 24  Biennial Conference on the Biology   Lovewell, G. N., Blackburn, J. L., Kincaid, A. L. D, & Wells,   Student Association Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil.  An online platform with multiple passive acoustic
                  of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.                                                  monitoring applications [Poster presentation]. Effects of
                                                   R. S. (2022, August 1-5). Covid-19 collateral damage:   Miller, L. J. (2022, August 27 - September 1). Animal
               Hart, L. B., Dziobak, M. K., Wells, R. S., Pisarski, E. C., &   The pandemic’s effect on common bottlenose dolphins   welfare assessments at CZS – Brookfield Zoo [Paper   Noise on Aquatic Life Conference, Berlin, Germany.
                  Wirth, E. (2022, August 1-5). Sentinels of synthetics   in and around Sarasota, Florida [Poster presentation].   presentation]. Association of Zoos and Aquariums   Pirotta, E., Barleycorn, A., Casoli, M., Crossman, J., Harris,
                  – A comparison of phthalate exposure between   24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine   Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD, United States.  C., McHugh, K., Moore, M., Photopoulou, T., Quigley,
                  common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and   Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.      B., Schwacke, L., Thomas, L., Toms, C., Tyack, P., &
                  human reference populations [Poster presentation].   McHugh, K., Barleycorn, A., Casoli, M., Crossman, J., Harris,   Miller, L. J. (2022, August 27 - September 1). The Impact of   Wells, R. (2022, February 23). Vessel approaches in
                  24t  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine   C., Moore, M., Photopoulou, T., Pirotta, E., Quigley, B.,   in-person and video-recorded animal experiences on   Barataria Bay: Ways forward [Presentation]. Towards
                  Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.                           zoo visitors’ cognition, affect, empathic concern, and   an Understanding of the Cumulative Effects of Multiple
                                                   Schwacke, L., Thomas, L., Toms, C., Tyack, P., & Wells, R.   conservation intent [Paper presentation]. Association
               Hostnik, E. T., Adkesson, M. J., & Kinney, M. E. (2022,   (2022, February 23). Pilot study summary and protocol   of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference, Baltimore,   Stressors on Marine Mammals—An Interdisciplinary
                  May 16-26). Zoo and Aquarium Radiology Database   trials. Towards an understanding of the cumulative   MD, United States.  Working Group with Case Studies, SERDP Working
                  (ZARD), an innovative imaging database designed to   effects of multiple stressors on marine mammals   Group Meeting, United States.
                  support wildlife and zoo professionals [Procedural].   [Presentation with case studies]. Interdisciplinary   Miller, L. J. (2022, October 23-27). Towards understanding   Rodgers, A., Sykes, J., Pulsinelli, M., Katzen, S., Bartoo,
                  International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine   Working Group, SERDP Working Group Meeting,   the welfare of cetaceans in zoos and aquariums   J., Adkesson, M. J. & Schwartz, H. (2022, August
                  Annual Conference, Virtual.      United States.                   [Paper presentation]. World Association of Zoos and   27-September 1). Transparent veterinarians:
                                                                                    Aquariums Annual Conference, Tenerife, Spain.  Communication and animal health teams working
               Hyer, M. D., Sayigh, L. S., Tyack, P. L., Janik, V. M., McHugh,   McHugh, K. A., Byrskov, R., Brown, S., Hernandez Ramirez,
                  K. A., Wells, R. S., & Jensen, F. H. (2022, August 1-5).   G., Diaz, V., Mann, D., Isaac-Lowry, O. J., Alessi, C., &   Miller, L. J. (2022, October 23-27). WAZA code of ethics:   together to tell stories [Procedural]. Association of Zoos
                  Stereotyped non-signature whistles are shared and   Wells, R. S. (2022, August 1-5). Enhanced monitoring   Animal welfare, conservation, research, and people   and Aquariums Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD,
                  exchanged between allied common bottlenose dolphin   of adverse human-dolphin interaction hotspots via   [Paper presentation]. World Association of Zoos and   United States.
                  males (Tursiops truncatus) in Sarasota Bay, FL [Oral   continuous multi-view video and passive acoustic   Aquariums Annual Conference, Tenerife, Spain.  Sayigh, L., Janik, V., Jensen, F., Scott, M., Tyack, P., &
                  presentation]. 24 Biennial Conference on the Biology   technology [Poster presentation]. 24  Biennial   Moors, A., Ness, J., Ellisor, D., Trevillian, J., Pugh, R.,   Wells, R. (2022, August 1-5). The Sarasota Dolphin
                  of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,    Kucklick, J., Wells, R., & Rowles, T. (2022, August   Whistle Database: A unique long-term resource
                                                   Palm Beach, FL, United States.                                    for understanding dolphin communication [Oral
               Kincaid, A. L. D., Lovewell, G. N., Blackburn, J. L., Allen, J.      1-5). Gaining access to high-quality, archived marine   th
                  B., Bassos-Hull, K., Blackburn, J. L., Hazelkorn, R. A.,   Mezydlo, R., Bettis, K., Bluher, J., Lewis, I., & McKinney, S.   mammal samples: Is it impossible? [Oral presentation].   presentation]. 24  Biennial Conference on the Biology
                  & Wells, R. S. (2022, August 1-5). Davian behavior in   (2022, August 27-September 1). Put on your own   24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine   of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.
                  common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the   mask before helping others: Self-care strategies when   Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   Spiessl, M. P., Perrtree, R. M., Young, R. F., Fox, A., Conway,
                  Sarasota, FL area: It’s just wrong [Poster presentation].   working with volunteers [Panel discussion]. Association   Mota, R., Genoves, R., Fruett, P., & Botta, S. (2022, August   J., Hohn, A. A., Gorgone, A. M., Schacke, J. H., Montie,
                  24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine   of Zoos and Aquariums Annual Conference, Baltimore,   1-5). Beyond the basics: Using photo-identification as   E. W., Marian, A., Urian, K., Tyson Moore R. B., & Cox,
                  Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   MD, United States.      tool to assess social behavior and determine the sex   T. M. (2022, August 1-5). Assessing management
               Kooyomjian, C., Giarikos, D., Adkesson, M. J., & Hirons,   Miller, L. J. (2022, February 27-March 4). Animal welfare   of Lahille’s bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops gephyreus)   boundaries of the common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
                  A. C. (2022, August 1-5). Trace elements in   science [Panel discussion]. International Marine Animal   [Poster presentation]. 24  Biennial Conference on    truncatus) by comparing multiple photo-identification
                  Peruvian pinniped vibrissae at Punta San Juan,   Trainers’ Association (IMATA) Annual Conference,   the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL,   catalogs [Poster presentation]. 24  Biennial
                  Peru [Procedural]. Society for Marine Mammology   Chicago, IL, United States.   United States.     Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm
                  Conference, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   Miller, L. J. (2022, May 3-5). Highlights from the Cetacean   Noncek-Eastman, J., & Zite-Stumbris, J. (2022, February   Beach, FL, United States.
                                                   Welfare Study [Paper presentation]. Alliance of Marine   14-18). WTF, Eric Carle?!?: Using scientific inaccuracies
                                                   Mammal Parks and Aquariums Annual Meeting,   in children’s books to create scientific storylines for the
                                                   Orlando, FL, United States.      classroom [Conference presentation]. 2022 IDEAcon,
                                                                                    Schaumberg, IL, United States.

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