Page 62 - Annual Report 2022
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3   Pangolins are the most trafficked mammals in
                      the world, and rescued animals are often sick
                      or debilitated and in need of veterinary care.
                      However, comprehensive physical examinations
                      of the species is difficult because of their anatomy
                      and scientists’ lack of knowledge about their
                      physiology. Researchers studied data from
                      blood and urine samples collected from clinically
                      normal adult African white-bellied pangolins at
                      Brookfield Zoo during routine veterinary exams
                      over a four-year period. Researchers identified
                      laboratory diagnostics—including seasonal, sex,
                      and age differences—that can provide essential
                      information to guide appropriate medical care
                      for the species.

               Stacey Vondra, R. (2022, February 27-March 4).    Tatom-Naecker, T.-A., Wells, R. S., Costa, D. P., Trumble,   Toms, C. N., McHugh, K., Tyson Moore, R., Slaathaug, J., &   Vangellow, T., Hirons, A. C., Cárdenas-Alayza, S., & Adkesson,
                  The human-animal relationship from a welfare   S., & Budge, S. (2022, Novermber 4-6). A fatty acid   Wells, R. S. (2022, August 1-5). What is ‘residency’?   M. J. (2022, August 1-5). Analysis of South American
                  perspective [Poster presentation]. International   signature library of prey fish for common bottlenose   A systematic mapping approach to a review of the   sea lion dentition: A preliminary study of Peruvian
                  Marine Animal Trainers’ Association (IMATA) Annual   dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) for use in quantitative   residency construct with focus on odontocetes [Poster   pinniped tooth structural composition [Procedural].
                  Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.   fatty acid signature analysis (QFASA) [Poster   presentation]. 24  Biennial Conference on the Biology   Society for Marine Mammology Conference, Palm
                                                   presentation]. American Cetacean Society 18   th  of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   Beach, FL, United States.
               Tatom-Naecker, T.-A., Wells, R. S., Costa, D. P., Trumble, S.,
                  & Budge, S. (2022, August 1-5). A fatty acid signature   International Conference, San Diego, CA, United States.   Van Horn, C., Jensen, F., Janik, V., Morrison, E., Wells, R. &   Vivier, F., Bradford, A. L., Hill, M. C., Oleson, E. M., Yano,
                  library of prey fish for common bottlenose dolphins   Thompson, C. R., Gowans, S., Mann, D. A., & Simard, P.   Sayigh, L. (2022, August 1-5). Sex difference in non-  K. M., Wells, R., Pacini, A., Leunissen, E., Booth, C.
                  (Tursiops truncatus) for use in quantitative fatty acid   (2022, August 1-5). Synoptic assessment of common   signature whistle production in bottlenose dolphins   G., Rocho-Levine, J., & Bejder, L. (2022, August
                  signature analysis (QFASA) [Poster presentation].   bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) distribution in   [Poster presentation]. 24 Biennial Conference on   1-5). Sensitivity and precision of Unoccupied Aerial
                  24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine   Tampa Bay and coastal Gulf of Mexico, Florida, using   the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL,   System-photogrammetry to assess the age structure
                  Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   autonomous acoustic recorders [Poster presentation].   United States.   of delphinid populations [Poster presentation].
                                                   24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine                  24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine
                                                   Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.                           Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.

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