Page 63 - Annual Report 2022
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Walker, B. (BFZ Veterinary Externship Student), Stone, A.,   Wilkinson, K. A., Wells, R. S., Hueter, R. E., Morris, J.,   LECTURES AND WORKSHOPS
                  Langan, J. N., Hostnik, E. T., & Alexander, A. B. (2022,   Hoopes, L. A., Bakker, J., van Zinnicq Bergmann, M.   The Chicago Zoological Society has relationships with the following educational
                  September 17-23). Dental nerve blocks of the Bennett’s   P. M., Rossman, S., Tatom-Naecker, T.-A. & Hagan, V.   institutions where our staff are frequent lecturers, teachers, and mentors, as well
                  wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus): Anatomic landmarks   (2022, August 1-5). Food fight? Assessing the trophic   as advisors and committee members for M.S. and Ph.D. students.
                  and approaches assessed with computed tomography   overlap of resident common bottlenose dolphins
                  and gross dissection [Presentation & Abstract].   (Tursiops truncatus) and coastal shark species off   Duke University, Durham, North Carolina  University of Florida, Gainesville
                  American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Annual   Sarasota, Florida [Oral presentation]. 24  Biennial   Florida International University, Miami  University of Illinois Chicago
                  Conference, Houston, TX, United States.   Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals,   Miami University, Oxford, Ohio  University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
               Wells, R. S. (2022, January 20). Health and movements   Palm Beach, FL, United States.
                  of Florida’s Gulf dolphins [Virtual presentation].   Wolters, P., van Zeeland, L., Jensen, F., Sayigh, L.,   Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota, Florida  University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
                  Florida RESTORE Act Centers of Excellence Program   Morrison, E., Ermi, G., Wells, R., McKennoch, S., &   New College of Florida, Sarasota  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
                  All Hands Meeting, Tampa, FL, United States.   Smith, S. (2022, August 1-5). Deep learning-based   Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida  Wilmington University, New Castle, Delaware
                                                   recognition of bottlenose dolphin signature whistles
               Wells, R. S. (2022, May 4). Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks   th     University of California, Irvine  Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
                  and Aquariums annual meeting [Oral presentation].   [Poster presentation]. 24  Biennial Conference on   Woods Hole, Massachusetts
                  Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums   the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL,   University of California, Santa Cruz
                  Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, United States.   United States.      University of Chicago, Hyde Park
               Wells, R. S. (2022, August 1-5). Individuals make a   Zabojnik, M., Stacey, R., McGee, J., & Gonka, M. (2022,
                  difference: 50+ years of lessons from Sarasota’s   February 27-March 4). Oral squamous cell carcinoma
                  dolphins [Kenneth S. Norris Lifetime Achievement   treatment in a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops
                  Award plenary presentation]. 24  Biennial Conference   truncatus) at Brookfield Zoo: Lucky’s story [Paper   Scientists with CZS’s Sarasota Dolphin Research Program
                  on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Palm Beach, FL,   presentation]. International Marine Animal Trainers’   4  (SDRP) joined other researchers and NOAA Fisheries in a large
                  United States.                   Association (IMATA) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL,
                                                   United States.                            study that has been examining the long-term impact of a cata-
               Wells, R. S. (2022, August 1-5). Tagging Franciscana                          strophic oil spill on dolphins living within the oil spill footprint,
                  dolphins off Argentina and Brazil: Considerations
                  for integrated conservation planning [Integrated                           in Barataria Bay, Louisiana. In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon (DWH)
                  Conservation Planning for Cetaceans Workshop].   Dolphins swimming through water polluted   offshore drilling rig exploded and released more than 3 million
                  24  Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine   by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.   barrels of oil that contaminated offshore waters, bays, sounds, and
                  Mammals, Palm Beach, FL, United States.   AP Photo/Alex Brandon            estuaries in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Using catch-and-release
               Wilkinson, K. A., Bassos-Hull, K., Gardiner, J. M., Schloesser,                 techniques refined by SDRP for the purpose of health assess-
                  R. W., DeGroot, B. C., & Ajemian, M. J. (2022,                                 ments, comparative health assessments were performed on
                  December 13). Sarasota Coast Acoustic Network                                    dolphins that lived in some of the most heavily polluted
                  (SCAN) project update [Oral presentation]. FACT Winter
                  Meeting, Jensen Beach, FL, United States.                                         waters in the Gulf. SDRP conducted health assessments on
                                                                                                     the resident dolphin community of Sarasota Bay that had
               Wilkinson, K. A., Morris, J. J., Hagan, V. N., Aeberhard, W. H.,
                  Cahill, B. V., Dougherty, D. A., Byrd, G. L., Chapman,                              no exposure to the DWH oil. Using the SDRP dolphins
                  D. D., Hueter, R. E., & Clark, E. (2022, October 20-22).                            as a control group, the study found strong evidence of
                  Times they are-a-changin’: Shifts in shark assemblage                               chronic and potentially progressive respiratory injury,
                  and relative abundance along the Florida Gulf Coast,                                as well as high rates of reproductive failure, in bottlenose
                  1955-2022 [Oral presentation]. Sharks International                                 dolphins living within the DWH oil spill footprint.
                  Conference, Valencia, Spain.
                                                                                                     The study concluded that the effects of the oil spill
                                                                                                    are long-lasting, and continued long-term monitoring of
                                                                                                  exposed populations is needed after such an event.

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