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ne of the most important bird rookeries in the Midwest    “We’re thrilled to be able to collaborate and work on such
             is located at Baker’s Lake Nature Preserve in Northwestern   an intimate level with the folks at the zoo,” said Anchor. “They
        O Cook County. Each spring, hundreds of large wading    have a magnificent team of veterinary professionals who assist us.”
        birds—great egrets, great blue herons, and double-crested   The collaboration also benefits Brookfield Zoo. “Since small
        cormorants—arrive here to breed and raise their young on    mammals and birds can move across the landscape, even in the
        an island in the lake.                                  zoo, it is important to know what is present in the surrounding
           Last July, Dr. Tom Meehan, vice president of Veterinary    habitat,” said Meehan. The Forest Preserves has been valuable as
        Services at Brookfield Zoo, climbed into a boat with Chris   a natural laboratory for scientists—including CZS scientists—and
        Anchor, a wildlife biologist with the Forest Preserves of Cook   as a training ground for zoo professionals. Working in the field
        County (FPCC) and his staff. Accompanied by clinical veterinari-  with Anchor gives students and veterinarians-in-training opportu-
        an Dr. Katie Delk, veterinary resident Dr. Michael McEntire,    nities for hands-on experience in capturing and handling animals
        and two veterinary students, they motored out to the island.   and performing field research.
           While the parents hovered nearby, each fledgling was carefully
        lifted from its nest and banded so it can later be identified by   Animals as Sentinels
        researchers. The veterinarians performed a quick health
        assessment of the bird, including a blood draw, before putting     “The adaptation of wildlife to live in closer proximity to humans
        it back into its nest.                                  make them critically important sentinels for disease agents moving
           Baker’s Lake is just one of many places in Cook County    across our shared landscape,” said Meehan. “They rarely pose
        where CZS veterinarians have assisted Anchor and his    a direct threat, but they help us understand diseases we may get
        team. Anchor works for the FPCC                                               from ticks, like Lyme disease; from
        Resource Management Department.                                               mosquitoes, like West Nile virus; or
        He and his team monitor and                                                   from viruses that might develop the
        collect data on wildlife populations                                          ability to spread from human to
        on Forest Preserves land.                                                     human, like SARS or COVID.”
           “We actively collaborate in                                                   The animals are also sentinels for
        their monitoring of deer, coyote,                                             the health and condition of the envi-
        otter, turtle, fish, and bird popula-                                         ronment. Anchor has found heavy
        tions,” said Meehan. “This includes                                           metals in blood taken from birds at
        drawing blood and other samples                                               Baker’s Lake, for example. The birds
        from animals being studied and                                                are apex-level predators that eat fish
        assisting with the placement of radio                                         and fish can accumulate toxins or
        transmitters so that individuals                                              heavy metals from their environment,
        and populations can be tracked                                                he said. “We’re using the animals
        by wildlife biologists.”                                                      as biomarkers.”
           The samples taken from animals are delivered to labs    Devices that transmit data, such as radio transmitters, are basic
        and analyzed for infectious diseases and environmental    tools of wildlife biology that enable scientists to collect information
        toxins, including pesticides and heavy metals. The scientists    on the behavior and survival strategies of free-ranging animals.
        in these labs include some of the zoo world’s top disease    Information can include where animals spend their time, how they
        detectives. They work with the University of Illinois Zoological   use their habitat, where and how far they travel, and where they
        Pathology Program, which Meehan helped to establish, and    might congregate with other animals.
        with the Wildlife Epidemiology Lab, a research, training,    For decades, Anchor has been working with The Ohio State
        and education lab within the University of Illinois’ College    University, Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation, and the Cook
        of Veterinary Medicine.                                 County Department of Animal and Rabies Control in researching
                                                                coyotes that live in the Forest Preserves and urban areas of

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