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“They are exquisitely hard to monitor just by spotting them
        wildlife  continued                                     because they spend so much time in or under water,” said Meehan.
                                                                   The implanted transmitter solves this problem. The informa-
                                                                tion that flows in from the transmitters will give researchers a
                                                                better understanding of the otters’ lives and their watery habitat
                                                                and what can be done to help them thrive in the area again.
                                                                   In 2016, CZS veterinarians also implanted a radio transmitter
                                                                and completed a health assessment on a wild badger caught
                                                                by FPCC wildlife biologists. Badgers are rare in Northeastern
                                                                Illinois, and elusive. By monitoring the badger, wildlife biologists
                                                                will be able to study its behavior, health, habits, and interactions
                                                                with other wildlife.

                                                                Conserving Native Species and Habitats

                                                                The conservation of animals and their habitats are goals shared
                                                                by CZS and the FPCC. The Forest Preserves of Cook County—
                                                                an aggregate of wetlands, woodlands, savannahs, and prairies—is
                                                                home to more than 100 threatened and endangered species of
                                                                plants and animals. One of them is the native Blanding’s turtle,
                                                                an endangered medium-sized, yellow-throated turtle.
                                                                   Several times a year, Dr. Matt Allender, CZS clinical veterinar-
                                                                ian and specialist on herps (reptiles and amphibians), performs
                                                                health assessments on Blanding’s turtles in Cook and the
                                                                surrounding counties. Allender is also the founder and director
                                                                of the University of Illinois Wildlife Epidemiology Laboratory,
                                                                which focuses on the conservation of free-ranging wildlife.
                                                                He and his students accompany Anchor in the field.
        Top: Anchor (left) looks on as CZS clinical veterinarian Dr. Matt Allender and a student   “We collect blood samples and swab the mouths of the turtles,”
        conduct a health assessment of a Blanding’s turtle.     said Allender. They also collect height and length measurements
        Bottom: A transmitter was surgically implanted into this musky fish by a CZS veterinarian,   and evaluate the weight and body condition of the animals.
        enabling wildlife biologists to track its movements.    In their lab, Allender and his students test specimens for levels
                                                                of anemia, immune status, electrolytes, kidney and liver function,
                                                                and pathogens such as the ranavirus which has caused mass
        Cook County. He has worked on the Urban Coyote Project with   die-offs and population declines of fish, reptiles, and amphibians
        other researchers who capture coyotes and put radio-transmitter   around the world.
        collars around their necks. By 2018, Project researchers were    Since turtles are long-lived, they reflect the health of their
        monitoring the movements of approximately 1,000 coyotes.    habitat. “By testing the turtles across different areas, we can see
        It’s the largest coyote study of its kind in the world.   which habitats support good health,” said Allender. “And we can
           Anchor has used collars with other animals, including raccoons   try to identify habitats where health outcomes are poor and try
        and white-tailed deer. When collars couldn’t be attached to    to modify them.” All across Chicagoland, Allender and his team
        animals without necks, such as fish, snakes, and otters, CZS    have found new viruses and bacteria in Blanding’s turtles. Learn-
        veterinarians provided their services. Fortunately, transmitter    ing how the habitat can affect diseases enables biologists to make
        technology and design have come a long way. For example,    more informed decisions to improve conservation.
        Dr. Jennifer Langan, senior staff veterinarian with CZS and
        clinical associate professor of veterinary clinical medicine at the
        University of Illinois, has performed the minor surgical procedure   Preventing Disease Spread
        to implant small transmitters into fish.                “The World Health Organization has declared that 80 percent of
           CZS veterinarians implanted radio transmitters into six North   emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic—they start in animals
        American river otters that were recently spotted in Cook County   and end up in us,” said Anchor. “These have included COVID-19,
        waterways. Once plentiful, the otters were hunted to near extinc-  West Nile virus, rabies, SARS, monkeypox, and the list goes on.
        tion in the state. In 1995, the Illinois Department of Natural   The foundation of the Wildlife Division in the FPCC is based on
        Resources released otters from other states into Illinois waterways.   disease surveillance.”

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