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Working with the Chicago Zoological Society and
        other partners, Anchor and his team provide ongoing
        monitoring of local wildlife for zoonotic diseases.
        In the past, these have included rabies, avian influenza,
        tuberculosis, distemper, encephalitis, and West Nile virus.
           They are part of a nation-wide disease-detection
        system: a network of scientists and government agencies
        tasked with the early detection of disease so actions can
        be taken to prevent outbreaks. Anchor’s division has played
        an outsized role in this effort—it is one of the oldest and
        largest contributors of data on zoonotic diseases to the
        Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
           The health surveys of the Baker’s Lake wading birds
        is an important part of this ongoing effort. Wild waterfowl
        are reservoirs of a number of pathogens, which can be
        spread widely by wading birds and other migrating species.
        “We have been monitoring for highly pathogenic avian
        influenza (HPAI) in wild birds for over 15 years as it     Above: Juvenile birds at a Baker’s Lake rookery are tagged and given health assessments.
        might develop the ability to cause a pandemic,” said       Clockwise from lower left: Dr. Katie Delk, clinical veterinarian; Dr. Michael McEntire,
                                                                   veterinary resident; Dr. Tom Meehan, vice president of Veterinary Services;
        Meehan. Scientists fear that HPAI, which is currently      and Chris Anchor, FPCC wildlife biologist.  Photo credit: Jeff Nelson
        a serious threat to the poultry industry and has been
        transmitted from birds to humans, has the potential
        to become transmissible between humans.                    An Enduring Partnership
           Raccoon rabies is also on the radar of scientists and   The century-long partnership between the Forest Preserves
        public health officials. Raccoons in this part of the country   of Cook County and the Chicago Zoological Society has
        do not carry rabies, but the disease is prevalent in the    been recognized as one of the most comprehensive and
        Eastern United States where it is spread primarily by     successful public-private partnerships between North American
        raccoons. “Our raccoon densities are so high that if      conservation organizations. It began in 1921, when the Board
        we ever got raccoon rabies in this area, it would be very   of Commissioners of the Forest Preserve District of Cook
        difficult to eradicate,” said Anchor.                     County (now known as the Forest Preserves of Cook County)
           If this occurs, “cats are going to become a huge threat,”   and a group of prominent citizens established the private
        said Meehan. People are more likely to become exposed     nonprofit Chicago Zoological Society. The Society’s mission
        to rabies from cats than from bats, skunks, or raccoons.   was to create and manage a modern, world-class zoo—
        Many cat owners allow their cats outdoors at night and    Brookfield Zoo—on land donated to the Forest Preserves
        don’t have them vaccinated for rabies as required by state   by philanthropist Edith Rockefeller McCormick. The work
        law. Studies have shown that raccoons and cats have over-  discussed in this article is just one of the many ways the two
        lapping habitats.                                         organizations have worked together over the years to conserve
                                                                  animals and their habitats, and to engage people and
        A Few Success Stories                                     communities with wildlife and nature.

        Among Anchor’s success stories is the eradication of
        LaCrosse virus from Busse Woods. The rare encephalitic
        virus was found in the blood of white-tailed deer during    Some of the deer around Busse Woods had been fitted with
        a regular health surveillance. The virus, which can cause   radio collars that transmitted their movements to researchers.
        illness and death in infected people, is carried by a type    “They could narrow down small sections of the Forest Preserves
        of mosquito that makes its nest in water-filled holes    and go there to look for these tree-hole nests,” said Anchor.
        in trees.                                               “It was an easy fix.” The nests were found and drained, which
           Detecting and identifying pathogens, such as the     got rid of the mosquitoes and the disease.
        LaCrosse virus, in wild animal populations is often just    Leptospirosis, a bacterial disease of dogs and humans was
        a first step. Much of Anchor’s work involves the ongoing   found in raccoons around a body of water commonly used
        surveillance of animals, which enables researchers to   as a swimming hole. Once the disease was diagnosed, Forest
        pinpoint where animals are becoming infected and the    Preserves staff treated the water in the swimming hole to clear
        routes of disease transmission. The FPCC has 70,000 acres.  the bacteria, similar to how water in swimming pools is treated.

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