Page 23 - Gateways_2020-summer
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FOR THE                                                            STICK YOUR
INQUIRING MIND                                                    NECK OUT

Have you ever wondered what camels like to eat, how                What’s it like to have one of the tallest
snakes shed their skin, or why sloths can hang upside              animals on the planet eating out of the
down all day? Zoo Chats are quick, informal talks                  palm of your hand? Find out at our popular
that answer these questions and many more. Animal                 Giraffe Feeding Experience. You’ll receive
care staff give Zoo Chats every day throughout                    a handful of delicious, leafy greens for our
Brookfield Zoo to educate guests about specific                  gentle giants. No need to be nervous—an
animals and the zoo’s mission and conservation                   animal care specialist will be standing
efforts. To catch a chat about your favorite animal,            by. Feedings cost $10 per feeding or bundle
check out the Chat schedule at                of food. It’s a great way to connect with
                                                               these majestic animals and learn about their
   And, as always, watch out for our Animal                    conservation story.
Ambassadors—these critters can pop up with their
animal care specialists anywhere and at any time.            May 9-10, 16-17, then daily
                                                             May 23 to September 27
    Our newest exhibit, the HAMILL FAMILY
NATURE PLAZA, is a chat location and                         Feedings occur twice
provides many opportunities for guests to interact          daily (weather permitting):
with nature. Between 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.               10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. | 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.
daily, look for CZS staff and volunteers in the            Outside HABITAT AFRICA! THE SAVANNAH
Plaza to answer questions and lead educational             (on the north end)
activities. Each day’s offerings may vary.
                                                                           BROOKFIELD ZOO | SUMMER 2020 19
    All events, dates, and times are subject to change.
Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
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