Page 26 - Gateways_2020-summer
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Adventures                           FAMILY PLAY PROGRAMS

Learn about the natural world        In creating these programs, artists, nature educators, and
through classes, tours, and          early childhood specialists used principles from HAMILL
programs for kids, families,         FAMILY PLAY ZOO, which connects children and their
and adults.                          families to wildlife and nature. (An adult must attend with each child.)

Sign up for Brookfield Zoo’s         Series Program                                       Tuesdays,             $75 Per Member
exciting and informative                                                                 July 7 to 28          $85 Per Nonmember
educational programs.                  SEEDLINGS PLAY GROUP                           9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
                                                                                                                $75 Per Member
REGISTRATION                           (Ages 15 Months to 3 Years)                       Thursdays,            $85 Per Nonmember
Registration is online only and is                                                     July 9 to July 30
processed within three business        This “nature play group” will help you make    9:00 to 10:00 a.m.        $75 Per Member
days. Your membership must be          friends with nature through play experiences,                           $85 Per Nonmember
current to purchase programs           songs, and meetings with a weekly animal          Saturdays,
at the member price, and only          visitor. The session lasts four weeks.         July 11 to August 1
those listed on your membership                                                       9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
qualify. Each registration includes
a nonrefundable program deposit.     For more details or to register, visit
Cancellations must be made 14        Space is limited, so register today!
business days in advance.

Visitors with disabilities:
please call (708) 688-8338
for accessibility information.

For more information about
programs or registration,
go to
or call (708) 688-8342.

                                        All events, dates, and times are subject to change.
                                     Please visit for the most up-to-date information.
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